20 April 2016 | Category: Events

Tuesdays with Resilience

By Lan van Wassenaar

Senior Scientist on risk and resilience of agrifood systems

Strategic Investment in Resilience Research

Resilience is one of the five Strategic Investment themes started in late 2015 (together with Global One Health, Resource Use Efficiency, Metropolitan Solutions, and Synthetic Biology). Coordinators of the theme are Krijn Poppe and Bas Kemp.

A specific aim of the theme is to create a cross-disciplinary and innovative network of collaborating scientists and societal actors that are engaged in different aspects of resilience thinking, practice and research.

Join the Community of Practice (CoP)

To stimulate and facilitate cross-fertilization of theories and methods from different disciplines and fields, the theme organizes monthly CoP meetings (generally on the first Tuesday of the month, with the exception of May) at 16hrs. Everyone is welcome to present his/her own research or invite people from outside to give a talk on resilience.

The next CoP meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 16:00-17:30, Room C0076, De Leeuwenborch. During the meeting, DLO research proposals for resilience research in 2016 will be presented and discussed. You are cordially invited to join the meeting and feel free to invite others!

Past and Upcoming CoP topics


Date (2016) Topic Speaker
April 5 Resilience white paper Niels Anten
May 10




DLO Resilience research proposals 2016



Koen Kramer/Hans Spoolder/Wijnand Sukkel/Jan Verhagen


Resilience & Transitions

*Followed by a public forum on resilience (‘wereldlezing’) organised by the alumni network KLV and Wageningen Academy starting at 18hrs, see more info at: http://www.klv.nl/Wereldlezing/)


Krijn Poppe







Let’s meet in SiLiCo! Modelling resilience of social-ecological-technical systems with agent-based modelling Gert Jan Hofstede


August Summer break
Sept. 6 Resilience i.r.t. Uncertainty & Irreversibility, Catastrophe theory Justus Wesseler/ Paul Koene


Oct. 4 Resilience and quantitative models Marcel Kornelis/Ingrid van Dixhoorn
Nov. 1 Resilient animals Bas Kemp

Dec. 6

t.b.d. Suggestions welcome!


By Lan van Wassenaar

Senior Scientist on risk and resilience of agrifood systems

There are 2 comments.

  1. By: Catarina Jakovac · 13-05-2016 at 3:01 pm

    Are the Resilience talks and discussions open to anyone? If yes, could you please add me to the mailing list of the group?
    Thank you,

    1. By: Lan Ge · 13-05-2016 at 3:04 pm

      Hi Catarina, Sure! I have added you to the mailing list. Best regards, Lan

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