Dr Ingrid van der Meer gained a PhD in plant molecular genetics (Free University, Amsterdam) and has subsequently ca 25 years research experience. She guided research projects on genetic regulation and modification of plant primary and secondary pathways such as phenyl propanoid-, fructan-, amino acid- and organic acid biosynthesis. She is currently heading the BU Bioscience at Wageningen Plant Research. Research in the BU Bioscience is focused on gaining a better understanding of plant genetic, metabolic, and physiological processes. Extensive use is made of state-of-the-art tools in the fields of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics.
Dr. van der Meer is coordinator of the Wageningen UR consortium on development of duckweed as new protein source. She also coordinates a large EU FP7 consortium on new natural rubber sources. Adapting and modifying plants for the production of chemicals and materials to be applied in a biobased economy, is one of her research themes.