Earlier this year I attended two scientific conferences. The first, the Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting (NERM), focused on the topic of residual streams, while the second, the European Horticultural Congress (EHC), focused on horticulture research. At both these conferences, I delivered a presentation on the link between the two…
This is the fourth blog in a blog series on ‘Circular & Climate-neutral’. This research programme (KB-34) focuses on research that contributes simultaneously to circular and climate-positive food and non-food production systems. This blog was written by Katja van Dongen and Elise Hoek, researchers of Wageningen Food Safety Research. Sludge produced by the…
This is the second blog in a blog series on ‘Circular & Climate-neutral’. This research programme (KB-34) focuses on research that contributes simultaneously to circular and climate-positive food and non-food production systems. This blog is by Iris Vural Gürsel, Senior Scientist in Biobased Products at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research….
Researchers Andrea Terbijhe, Andries Visser and Chris de Visser were involved in making this article. Do you have any questions or comments? Leave a reply at the bottom of the page to get in touch with Andries Visser. Agricultural businesses play an important role in decentralised energy generation. That role…