Safely using sludge thanks to larvae and seaweed

This is the fourth blog in a blog series on ‘Circular & Climate-neutral’. This research programme (KB-34) focuses on research that contributes simultaneously to circular and climate-positive food and non-food production systems. This blog was written by Katja van Dongen and Elise Hoek, researchers of Wageningen Food Safety Research. Sludge produced by the…

Fermentation offers food producers infinite possibilities

28 September 2016 | Category: Biobased products, Biorefinery and conversion, Food

Bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae… Although it’s not something we’re aware of every day, much of what we eat and drink is processed by these microscopic organisms. Fermentation is the natural process which determines the flavour, aroma, colour, nutritional value and shelf-life of many products. As a process it offers food producers infinite possibilities, only a fraction of which are currently being used.