Prevent study stress and research on study success
This month pupils in the last year of secondary school will hear whether or not they have passed their final examinations. If so, they will probably become a first-year student in September. And you have undoubtedly been following media reports on increasing study stress among students. So this month I’m giving parents five tips to help prevent study stress. Today tip 4: Prevent study stress and research on study success (in het Nederlands, in Dutch).

Prevent study stress and research on study success
Studying successfully
A student who studies successfully will experience less stress. And vice versa of course. If you don’t feel stressed, your studies will be more successful. What enables a student to study successfully? According to researchers at Researchned there are thirteen factors that play a role. I’d like to discuss the five most important factors.
Success factors
1: Information and visits
Researchned: Successful students have more often gathered information, especially by visiting the institution beforehand.
Has your son or daughter thought carefully about his or her choice of study? Has the student really taken the time to do the study choice check? This is the last step in the process of choosing a programme of study. Has he or she visited the institution often enough? In June and July, they can easily walk around an institute, and sometimes there are days when they can follow courses. Does your son or daughter feel good about his or her choice of study? If not… they can change their minds until September. Or is a gap year perhaps better? Research on study stress and study success has shown that a gap year is sometimes a good alternative.
2: Look for information
Researchned: Successful students believe that they have thought carefully and gathered a lot of information about their choice of study. They make their choices earlier.
It can never hurt for a parent to have one final discussion about the choice of study. Has your son or daughter really given this enough thought? Have they considered a wide range of possibilities? If you have no doubts about your choice of study, you will have much less stress later. If a student still has doubts, he or she should perhaps talk again with the school dean.
3: Interesting, suits capacities and professional aims
Researchned: Successful students more frequently choose their studies because the subject matter is interesting, it suits their capacities/skills and it trains them for the professional area that they hope to work in. A less frequent reason for choosing a study is because of a higher salary.
Does your child have some idea of the professional field in which he or she eventually wants to work? At HBO institutes in particular, many practical assignments are related to a future profession. However, many students don’t know what they really want to do until the final phase of their study. Do you know people who work in the professional area that your child is thinking about? You could put them into contact with each other. This also helps to motivate new students. And this helps to reduce stress.
4: Which institute?
Researchned: Successful students have more often chosen their institute because of a better atmosphere, better teaching methods or a more personal/small-scale character. They more often choose their university/HBO because of attractive buildings and facilities and less so because the institute is close to home. In general, they have higher expectations of their studies, the institute and student life. From the beginning of their study programme, they estimate their chances of receiving their final diploma more highly. They have more often had either a discussion about their choice of study or an initial interview when they started studying.
Part of the study choice check is a discussion. Students shouldn’t consider this as an interview or a selection. Instead, it’s meant as a final check to see if this is really the right choice of study. Doesn’t the institute offer this kind of discussion? Then ask about it. Students are entitled to it. Prevent study stress and research on study success and on successful studying has shown that this kind of discussion is useful.
5: Binding and a good start
Successful students have a stronger binding with their study programme; in other words, from the very beginning, they are more convinced that their chosen programme and later profession fully suit their interests and skills.
A good start is important. Students are well-advised to build up a strong network from the beginning. The orientation period is essential to this. In the weeks ahead, students can also just go to the Campus and walk around a building where lectures are given. This helps them to feel accustomed to the area later.
Enjoy the summer
More about ‘prevent study stress and research on study success’: Encourage your child to enjoy the summer, the very last bit of free time before they start studying.
– Did the study choice check go well? Does your child still have a good feeling about the chosen study?
– Let you child enjoy the longest summer of his or her life.
– Does your son or daughter already have a room?
– It’s a good idea for a student to visit the Campus in the summer. This helps to familiarise them.
– A network is important. During the orientation programme, students will create their first student network.
More about prevent study stress and research on study success
Educational professionals and counsellors have created a useful site on study stress for students.
In each city you can search for people who can help students. On the basis of research on study success, students can find tips and advice here about study skills and mental and physical health. It might be useful for you to take a look as well. This site contains lots of useful tips.
Five tips on study stress for parents of students
tip 1 prevent study stress… learn to choose what really suits you
tip 2 prevent study stress… don’t drive yourself crazy
tip 3 prevent study stress… ask for help
tip 4 Prevent study stress and research on study success
tip 5 prevent study stress and study credits
Why these tips?
An increasing number of students are troubled by stress. This isn’t good. Student psychologists, student deans, student physicians, study advisors and study career counsellors regularly give advice on how to prevent study stress. Also on this blog. On the basis of this advice, I have written five tips for parents. Of course, students are adults and are themselves responsible for their ups and downs. But it’s fine if parents can offer some support if necessary. So tip 4: prevent study stress and research on study success … learn to choose. Don’t forget to read the other tips too.