Strength training and protein: a powerful combination for older people

Extra protein in the diet does not prevent loss of muscle mass in older people. But when combined with strength training, it works wonders.
Extra protein in the diet does not prevent loss of muscle mass in older people. But when combined with strength training, it works wonders.
The senior citizen community is increasing and the government wants to support them to remain independent for as long as possible.
Barbara, Paul, Robert and Linda are all around the age of 70. They live an active life and want to stay in their own homes as long as possible. Wageningen University & Research has the knowledge to respond to the needs of this diverse target group. In this article, I…
“When can I try some of your delicious food again?”, e-mailed 80-year-old Mr. Verhoef, a little impatiently. Along with 800 peers, he is part of SenTo, helping Wageningen University & Research doing research on how older people experience and appreciate foods. No one is more motivated to cooperate in research…