Our soil: the basis of life

6 December 2021 | Category: Soil and land use

This article has been written by Saskia Visser, with contributions from Janjo de Haan, Jennie van der Kolk, Dorothee Tol-Leenders and Rudi Hessel. We expect a great deal from our soils. And, as we have previously explained, rightly so: soils that are treated well and managed properly can make an…

Winning teams for future food production

21 May 2021 | Category: Biodiversity

As a student, I did a six-month internship at TropenBos. During my internship I lived in the rainforest in British Guiana. There I slept in a hammock and washed myself at the river that ran along the camp. I enjoyed the sight of the enormous diversity in the forest. It…

Abandoned land; a wealth of opportunities

Abandoned land; a wealth of opportunities
4 December 2020 | Category: Soil and land use

I live in the Netherlands, with over 17 million inhabitants it is a densely populated country, in which we managed to provide a use for each and every piece of land. Land is extremely valuable; the lease prices for the agricultural land are by far the highest in Europe, and…

Soil is Hot, are We Cashing In?

20 September 2018 | Category: Soil and land use

The soil underwent an emancipation process. For years the question has been: ‘How will we adjust the soil in such a way that we are able to carry out whatever we want in every spot?’ At last, it cropped up recently that it is about which soil we are actually…

It’s the soil…

it's the soil
17 April 2018 | Category: Soil and land use

Just a question: when you entered your house, when you ate your fries, when you drank a glass of water, or whilst driving your car, did you ever wonder what provides the basic services that are required for all these daily activities? No? It’s the soil. The soil is a…