Study choice and career of your child
Everyone wants a study choice and career that suits them. How can you as a parent help guide your son or daughter towards the right (study) career? It begins with learning to choose!
Everyone wants a study choice and career that suits them. How can you as a parent help guide your son or daughter towards the right (study) career? It begins with learning to choose!
Your choice of Master’s programme is another real study choice. The essential questions a student must ask before making a choice: Who am I, what kind of work suits me, what motivates me, who do I want to be in the future, and – very important – who can help…
The degree programme quality matters. There are degree programmes that are very highly respected. There are also some degree programmes that don’t quite make the grade. How can you judge the quality of the degree programme that your son or daughter is considering? What should you look for? What should…
The study programme selection process and the lecturer? Study matching? What are those and what do they have to do with each other? Before your son or daughter begins their studies, they will take a study choice check. The study choice check or study matching is the last step in the…
As a parent, you invest a lot in your child: upbringing, attention, money—too many things to list. Along the way, you will feel it is important that your son or daughter also completes their education. You can help them make their study programme a success. How? This article is about: Study success…