It is inescapable: in science there is an increasing focus on sharing research data and code. The oft-used slogan for data sharing by research institutions and funders is “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. Wageningen University and Research have also included this principle in its strategic plan 2019-2022…
There is no way to ignore it: in science there is an increasing focus on sharing research data and code. The guiding principle for data sharing by both scientific institutions and research funders (such as NWO) is increasingly “as open as possible, as closed as needed”. WUR also included this…
There is no way to ignore it: in science there is an increasing focus on sharing research data and code. The guiding principle for data sharing by both scientific institutions and research funders (such as NWO) is increasingly “as open as possible, as closed as needed”. WUR also included this…
Communicating with each other requires using the same language, if necessary, with hands and feet. Key element in Interoperability (the I in FAIR) is understanding each other’s data. From data to person and from data to machine. Therefore, to increase interoperability it is indispensable to add context and shared vocabulary…
Within Wageningen University & Research FAIR is the main underlying value of the data policy. FAIR is a suitable and pleasant acronym, which stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-Usable. I can easily argue that everyone wants to be fair. WUR Rector prof. Arthur Mol declared in an opening speech…
How is it ensured that large datasets are properly stored? How do we come to uniformity? Who monitors our data? Data is called the new gold. We want to take good care of something valuable. Bart Nijsse is the guardian of the data of the Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic…
The reduction of food loss and waste is high on the national agenda. The ministry of LNV finances the Wageningen Food and Biobased Research (WFBR) project on monitoring food waste (BO project). Martijntje Vollebregt is the project leader of this project in which data from the different stakeholders in the…
How do I use and apply geo-software? Which geo-data is available and under which conditions? Do you have questions or activities related to geo-data and geo-software, then the GeoDesk is the place to go. Not just for students and employees of Wageningen University & Research, but also for external parties….
Researchers are increasingly required to manage their research data safely and sustainably and are confronted with an overload of information on data handling. Funder requirements, global academic discussions on FAIR data, the new WUR data policy, Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and developments in Open Science. How to see…