No more ADHD with a diet

No more ADHD with a diet
31 January 2019 | Category: Geen categorie

ADHD occurs in about five per cent of all children. These children are lively and have difficulty concentrating, both at home and at school. Their lives are not always easy. Tests have shown that ADHD can disappear by following a strict diet known as the RED diet. Could that diet…

Large-scale collaboration on nature restoration

4 January 2019 | Category: Geen categorie

Wageningen researchers have shown that the greater the number of wild bees and bumblebees present, the greater the harvest from farmers’ fields. To protect and restore the wealth of animal and plant species in the Netherlands, they are participating in the Delta plan for biodiversity along with farmers, nature conservation…

Good food with less sugar

Good food with less sugar
30 November 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

A lot of food contains too much sugar, salt or fat. This is why scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR) are looking at how they can make foods healthier. For example, they helped to develop ways of making ginger cake and sprinkles using less sugar. What other products could…

Parasitic wasp inspires advancements in surgery

Parasitic wasp inspires advancements in surgery
16 November 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

Flexible, ultra-thin and steerable needles would help surgeons perform operations even better. Researchers at Wageningen University & Research are therefore studying the ovipositor with which the parasitic wasp lays its eggs. Based on their findings, colleagues at Delft University of Technology have developed the first prototype of this needle which…

European flat oysters back in the North Sea

Flat oysters
2 November 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

Wageningen-based researchers are working on the restoration of oyster banks in the North Sea. Like tropical coral reefs, oyster banks form an important link in marine life. To this end, the researchers are conducting trials with European flat oysters at various locations along the North Sea coast. The initial results…

Why insects are not the new sushi

Eating insects
5 October 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

The idea is that eating insects is somewhat like eating sushi: you just need to taste it and then you’ll come to like it. But it’s not as simple as that according to sociologist Jonas House from Wageningen University & Research. Our willingness to try new flavours and ingredients depends…

Transition to circular agriculture is a joint process

Transition to circular agriculture is a joint process
17 September 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

During the Mansholt Lecture on 19 September, Wageningen University & Research will outline how the transition to circular agriculture offers a new perspective for the agricultural Netherlands – from a scientific point of view and in a European perspective. However, what is your opinion? We explain our concept of circularity…

Fashion can also be circular

Circular Fashion - Victor & Rolf and the WUR Circular Fashion Lab
31 August 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

The fashion industry could use a sustainable update. Cotton cultivation, for example, is eco-unfriendly and generates very little recyclable waste. Students and researchers at Wageningen University & Research are therefore collaborating with companies and textile designers to create new materials with a lower environmental impact that can be resold in…

Establish partnerships at Wageningen SDG Conference

Establish partnerships at Wageningen SDG Conference
17 August 2018 | Category: Geen categorie

Ensuring better food security, improved nutrition and more sustainable agriculture requires partnerships. So come along to the SDG Conference – ‘Towards Zero Hunger, Partnerships for Impact’ – in Wageningen on 30 and 31 August and network with potential partners. Three out of ten people worldwide still go hungry or suffer…