The social impact of floods: 7 ways to help those affected

2 September 2021 | Category: Environmental economics

Floods often have a devastating force. This summer, the images of the affected areas in the Netherlands, Belgium, and particularly Germany clearly showed this effect. In addition to the material damage, there is also a social impact. Less visible but longer-lasting. Research shows that those affected are often more heavily…

The number of farmers can increase: fact or fiction?

29 April 2021 | Category: Agriculture

I often read on social media or in newspapers that the number of farmers in the Netherlands should increase. The reasoning behind this is that more farms will also mean smaller farms, another often heard wish. An increase in the number of farmers would go against the trend of the…

Moving from doing no harm to doing good: Are we at the brink of a paradigm shift?

23 July 2020 | Category: Consumer behaviour, Environmental economics

The investment world is currently shifting towards more societal impact and sustainability. This series of blogs focuses on the most striking changes and the possible obstacles on the way.  Following Raworth (2017) donuts economics, six main shifts might transform our current thinking.[1] These shifts are based on behavioural economics theory,…

Corona, Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsmittelangebot

9 April 2020 | Category: Agriculture, Food

Die Coronavirus Pandemie betrifft uns alle und insbesondere diejenigen, die es des den anderen ermöglicht zuhause zu bleiben. Wir alle brauchen Nahrungsmittel, Körperpflegemittel, Toilettenartikel und anderes. Wir müssen denjenigen dankbar sein, die uns dies ermöglichen. Es überrascht nicht, dass die Nachfrage nach Toilettenpapier angestiegen ist, wenn mehr und mehr Menschen…

Corona, Landbouw en Voedsel

9 April 2020 | Category: Agriculture, Food

De coronavirus pandemie heeft invloed op elk van ons maar heeft vooral een groot effect op het leven van hen die het voor ons mogelijk maken om thuis te blijven. Iedereen heeft nood aan een dagelijks aanbod van voedsel, gezondheidszorg en meer. We moeten dankbaar zijn aan iedereen die dit…

Corona, Agriculture and Food Supply

9 April 2020 | Category: Agriculture, Food

The Coronavirus pandemic affects the life of all us, but it has an especially large effect on the life of people who make it possible for us to stay at home. We all need our daily supply of food, health care and sanitary items, and more. We should be thankful…