Working Agile teaches you to distinguish between main and side issues.
Hennie van der Veen is a senior researcher and project manager with Wageningen Economic Research (Part of Wageningen University & Research) in the field of business economics, data and modelling. She studies quantitative business economics in Groningen. After two years working at the University of Groningen, in 1997 she became a researcher at Wageningen Economic Research. She has worked on projects related to (financial economic) modelling, sampling and the Farm Accountancy Data Network. She has lead a large number of projects related to the Farm Accountancy Data Network, getting more and more specialized in project management. She now is an IPMA certified project manager with a specialization in Agile project management. Nowadays she is leading a large European project on the design of a research infrastructure for the food consumption domain (RICHFIELDS).
The first text processor that I worked with has barely anything in common with those of today. You could type, edit and delete texts and it was possible to save and print files. The developers knew that their product at that point wasn’t complete yet. Yet, it was still a…