How big is the share of WUR articles being published Open Access?

12 October 2017 | Category: Open Access

Over the last few years, Open Access (OA) publishing of scientific output has received a lot of national and political attention. As a result, several initiatives have been taken to stimulate free access to publications that result from research at Dutch universities and institutes. Currently, national OA deals exist for…

SciVal – What is that? – 1. Getting acquainted

30 May 2017 | Category: Impact

Most researchers at Wageningen University and Research are familiar with the bibliometric analysis provided in Staff Publications, but the library also offers another tool to use for the evaluation of your publications. This tool is called SciVal. SciVal is based on the publication database Scopus and therefore covers more output…

Your scholarly wallet

25 April 2017 | Category: Publication strategy

Each of us has a number of different cards in our real-life wallet: driving license, ‘OV-chipkaart’, credit card, health insurance card, sports facilities card, etcetera. We complain occasionally that all this is a bit too much, especially when we have difficulty finding the right one. But let’s accept that these…

Open Access meetings – communicating WUR Open Access options

WUR Library Open Access Roadshow
12 April 2017 | Category: Open Access

The WUR Library Open Access meetings are the best way to familiarize yourself with Open Access options. The meetings are specifically set up to explain what the EU and Dutch Open Science mandates mean for WUR researchers, and how to comply. Different Open Access roads (Gold, Hybrid, Green) are explained. We…

Use of peer reviewed articles in a MOOC

1 February 2017 | Category: Open Access, Open Education

At Wageningen University, teachers want to use peer reviewed papers in a MOOC in a legal way. Since a MOOC is freely available on internet and can be followed anywhere and by anyone, I advise to use free access or open access articles only. In this blog post, I will…