To explore WUR researcher’s attitude towards Open Access (OA) publishing, I interviewed Mark Ryan, a Digital Ethics Researcher at Wageningen Economic Research, focusing on areas or robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and digital developments and responsible innovation. Question: Why did you choose to publish your research Open Access (OA) and what are…
This is the 6th blog post in the series about the 100th anniversary of Wageningen University. In the perspective of One Wageningen we highlight in this blog post the collection of reports from Wageningen Research (WR). Anna Besse, Henrieke van Lieshout, Joke Webbink, Jorik Booij and Marco van Veller contributed…
With the WUR Journal Browser you can select the appropriate journal for your Open Access article. In this search tool you’ll discover journals with a free Open Access option on request, publishers that give discounts on article processing charges, and journals that are cited by other WUR researchers. Impact factors of journals…
Authors: Justine Post-Smithuis and Marijn Post. Social networking sites such as ResearchGate contain many illegal, publisher-owned PDFs that have been posted by academics. How important are copyright issues to you as a researcher or teacher of Wageningen University & Research (WUR)? Scholars and copyright A recent post on The Scholarly Kitchen…
Over the last few years, Open Access (OA) publishing of scientific output has received a lot of national and political attention. As a result, several initiatives have been taken to stimulate free access to publications that result from research at Dutch universities and institutes. Currently, national OA deals exist for…
During the WUR Library Open Access meetings, we receive questions about various aspects of Open Access publishing. Here, we answer these Open Access frequently asked questions, with links to more detailed information. What is prepaid Open Access? Prepaid Open Access means that the WUR Library has an arrangement with…
Each of us has a number of different cards in our real-life wallet: driving license, ‘OV-chipkaart’, credit card, health insurance card, sports facilities card, etcetera. We complain occasionally that all this is a bit too much, especially when we have difficulty finding the right one. But let’s accept that these…
The dark side of the transitions towards an open access publishing system is that some publishers only try to make a profit out of this and just publish everything that is submitted without any peer review. When I recently checked a publication list of one our institutes I came across…