Leaving Wageningen after Graduation: Interview with Adiska (WUR Alumni 2018)

By Siti Widyastuti Noor

Hi! I am an Indonesian student at Wageningen University & Research, pursuing my Master's degree in International Development with a specialization in Politics and Governance of Development. I really enjoy living in Wageningen and I will share my experience of studying here, I hope every reader will enjoy my posts

As international students, moving home after graduating from Wageningen University is not always easy. In this post, we will discuss leaving Wageningen after graduation and  ‘reverse culture shock’: an emotional feeling suffered by some people after several years living abroad. Have you started wondering how it feels when you start leaving the Netherlands and readjust to your home country? Is it going to be a ‘culture shock’ as well because everything is different in your home country and you start missing Wageningen-life?

This time, I get an opportunity to interview Adiska, one of WUR alumni. She graduated in 2018, and she will share her experiences of leaving Wageningen and starting a life in her home country.

“It was not easy! Wageningen, with its simplicities, felt home away from home for me.”– Adiska

Siti: Hi, Adiska! Can you tell us about yourself and your experiences when you were studying in Wageningen?

Adiska: Hi! My name is Adiska Octa Paramita, I am from Indonesia, and I did my MSc in Leisure, Tourism, and Environment (MLE). I came to Wageningen and started my study in September 2016. Then, I had my graduation ceremony in September 2018.

I had many great experiences during my time studying in Wageningen. It started with joining the AID 2016. It was a good start for me to establish a friendship with international friends across study program. Then, I also had a full two years of memorable moments with my MLE classmates. I can recall many things I did with them, such as the Thursday night parties at Centrum or Droevendaal and chilling after evening class at the Bongerd or the Spot. Luckily, I was surrounded by crazy yet supportive friends in Wageningen. So, my study-life balance was well-maintained.

Siti: How did you feel when you left the Netherlands after graduating from WUR?

Adiska: It was not easy! The Netherlands (especially Wageningen with its simplicities) felt home away from home for me. The most difficult part was to saying goodbye with international friends which I would never have a chance to meet again.

Siti: Did you feel a ‘culture shock’ when you get back to your home country?

Adiska: Yes, I did. I come from Jakarta, which is one of the worst traffic cities on earth. Seeing how ignorant the car drivers and motorcycle drivers are, it was driving me crazy. It was a significant change from such a small town of Wageningen where the place is so peaceful compared to Jakarta.

Siti: How did you overcome your culture shock?

Adiska: Well, I tried not to drive in the first month and spent more time at home. Stuck in traffic got me mad and stressed out easily. I also try to get back on my feet and find a job. I am currently working as a Project Officer for Destination Planning at Swisscontact Indonesia in Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timur. My main responsibility is to provide policy advice for the local government of West Manggarai Regency in their annual local planning to in line with sustainable tourism standards of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia.

Based on my experience in applying for jobs, some organisations seem not only to consider our experiences but also the credibility of the university where we graduated. I think a Master’s degree from WUR helped me to get hired by an international development project for sustainable tourism after two months looking for a job in Indonesia.

Siti: Do you have tips for international students when they are coming back to their home country? (For the new graduates or international students that will graduate soon)

Adiska: Make a lot of good memories with your friends! Also, I would start to collect references from anyone who has ever worked with me, such as my thesis or internship supervisors. It is important to establish good relations with them because it can be very helpful in fulfilling the requirement of job applications.


Thank you, Adiska, for sharing with us! We wish you our best in your career and future.



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By Siti Widyastuti Noor

Hi! I am an Indonesian student at Wageningen University & Research, pursuing my Master's degree in International Development with a specialization in Politics and Governance of Development. I really enjoy living in Wageningen and I will share my experience of studying here, I hope every reader will enjoy my posts

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