25 June 2020 | Category: Housing

Looking for accommodation

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen. I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry. I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

Of course Coronavirus left us with so many questions. Next year will go online? Will the university do all the courses online? DO I have to move to The Netherlands?

It has been almost 3 months since the World Health Organization declared coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.  We are not sure yet about what the future holds for us. But, this post will be written for the most awaited moment; back to the new “normal” after the virus outbreak.

So, you’re planning to move to Wageningen. You are in the market for a house, apartment, or at least a room where to start your student life experience. If you’re looking to move to The Netherlands, how do you know when to start the search?


It’s never too early or too late to start your apartment search, or is it?

When is the right time to look for an apartment?

From my own experience, after having moved already 4 times in two years in Wageningen, I do recommend starting your search 1 (can be tight) or 2 months before your desired move-in date.


Narrow Down Your Search

Once you know when you want to move in, I recommend you to decide whether you want to live in a shared flat, self-contained room or in a room with shared facilities. That will narrow down your search and will let you properly focus on what you really want. don’t be afraid to make the wrong choice, you can always move if you are already there. But first you need a place where you can move in.

Consider which choice is better. An apartment or room that is close to the university, but far away from the city center or supermarkets, might not be the right choice for you. Decide what your definition of the ideal accommodation is, then broaden your search as you go.


For example, if you love sports and you would love living close to the gym. I recommend you to check all the locations that you would be interested to have nearby your house. Narrow your search within these perimeter.

If it’s finding a place to live that you’re concerned about, don’t worry. Rooms become available daily, not only at ROOM.nl, so there will always be something out there that fits your needs. Just remember to start your search with some days (1 or 2 months) prior to move-in and you’re good to go! We will be waiting for you.


Wageningen, June 2019

Student accommodation or landlord/landlady?

The first year of the master I decided to rent a room in a landlord house. I tried to avoid student parties, noises on the corridors, dirty shared facilities, etc. But, being honest, I regret. Living with a landlord is much more stressful, and good luck with living with a not really nice landlord (my case). The landlord owned and leased a room from the apartment, he was living with me as well. Therefore, I could not invite friends neither my family to visit me because he asked me for more money. There is always nice people of course, I just explain my situation. I do prefer now to advise to go to live an student apartment or accommodation.

My friends where living mostly in student accommodations. They were close to each other and you could easily ask for help if needed.


You’ll learn from every lived experience, believe me.


After finishing the first year of my master’s degree, I rented a room in a landlord house again. But this time we decided to move in together with my partner. The situation was different, and definitely recommendable.

I wouldn’t recommend to live in a student accommodation with your partner.   Is it about intimacy? It might be uncomfortable to live together along with 16 students, searching for privacy is complicated, specially in a student house. Therefore, If you would like to share your living experience with someone, I would choose to rent a room from a private house.


Do not be afraid to commit mistakes. If you never try, you’ll never learn or know what would suit you best.


Good luck!

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen.
I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry.

I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

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