31 August 2022 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

3 things to do after your arrival in Wageningen!

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen. I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry. I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

Updated on: 31 August 2022

Upon arrival at the university, several things need to be done before you can start.

  1. BSN – Citizen Service Number / Burger Service Nummer

What is BSN? The citizen service number (BSN) or Burger Service Nummer in Dutch is a unique personal number that you acquire once you register in the Personal Records Database (BRP) at the municipality. Everyone who registers in the BRP is automatically assigned a BSN number.

When to get a BSN? If you stay longer than 6 months in The Netherlands, you need to register yourself at the municipality. Therefore, if you are studying for a Master’s or if you started your Bachelor’s here at Wageningen University you need to have a BSN. 

Why? The government uses this number to know where are you living and keeps track of your data. It is useful if you want to have a part-time job in The Netherlands but also to get health insurance or if you need to go to the hospital or to apply for rent subsidy

If you move abroad, your BSN will still remain valid and you can continue using your BSN.

Where to get the BSN? (In the first week, people from the municipality come to the university for a couple of days to make registration easier for students. An appointment time and date will be provided by the university. If you are unable to make it at the given time, the alternative is to visit the Municipality.)  Once you arrive in Wageningen it is recommended, during your first week, to visit the Municipality, situated in the city centre (Municipality Location). 

  • Opening hours: Monday through Thursday from 8.30 to 16.00 hrs and Friday from 8.30 to 20.00 hrs
  •  Always bring a valid passport or identity card to your appointment.
  • Address: Stadhuis, Markt 22, Postbus 1, 6700 AA

  1. OV-chipkaart 

The most common way to pay for public transport is with an OV-chipkaart. This is a personal card that can be charged with credit (through a Dutch bank account). It is the most convenient option to travel. You can only buy the OV-chipkaart from the OV-chipkaart website. The personal card has a small initial fee and it requires the person’s photo and address. More importantly, having a Dutch bank account while applying for the card is a must.

  • If you acquire an OV-chipkaart, you can review your travel expenses online, so you can check where and when you have been. This allows you to have proof if you need to ask for a travel refund when you move around with public transport due to work trips or others.
  • Enables you to get plans that can give you a discount (up to 40%) on public transport fares.
  • The alternative is to get a regular OV chipkaart. This is a general card that can be loaded with money and used for travel. No discounts or deals are available for this card.

Bank account –  The SSC sends out forms that you can fill in earlier to set up a bank account at the bank – ABN AMRO. Once the forms are sent, the university applies for the account to make the procedure less time-consuming. However, there are also other banks like ING or Rabo Bank in Wageningen. Students also prefer to personally apply to have an account in either of these banks.

  • Here are some banks in Wageningen:
    1. ABN AMRO: www.abnamro.nl – Stadsbrink 519
    2. Rabobank: www.rabobank.nl – Plantsoen 55
    3. ING: www.ing.nl – Stadsbrink 445
    4. SNS: www.sns.nl – Hoogstraat 11


  1. Bike

You can either buy a new or a second-hand bicycle. In Facebook groups such as “Wageningen Student Plaza.”, you can very often see posts made by other students that are selling their bikes. You can also check the bicycle shops listed below which sell both new and second-hand bikes. 

  • DRF Fietsservice – Boterstraat 2B, 6701 CW Wageningen
  • U&A Fiestsen – Churchillweg 92, 6706 AD Wageningen
  • Van De Wetering Tweewielers – Harnjesweg 86, 6706 AV Wageningen
  • Trade FRM – Bronland 4, Gebouw E, 6708 PB Wageningen
  • Marktplaats (sell & buy second-hand shop) – https://www.marktplaats.nl

Apart from these shops there is also a possibility of ordering a brand new bike for a reasonable price from Decathlon. The only issue is assembling the bike, as you will receive the bike in parts after a few days of delivery period. 

Swapfiets is another good option. This is a bike rental company, where you can get a bike for a fixed price per month. This way, you do not need to buy a bike because Swapfiets has one for you! You have to register on the website and the bike will be delivered to you on your date and preferred time.

Most students leaving the city often put their bikes up for sale and it is likely to be at a lower cost than most shops. However, get the opportunity to see and test the cycle before paying and booking a bike via social media.

You will build up your social life here.. so, last but not least:

Get to know the city!

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen.
I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry.

I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

There is one comment.

  1. By: Cynthia Yang · 13-09-2022 at 13:05

    Hi Ester, thanks for writing this blog! I will go to Wageningen as an exchange student next year and this blog really helps me. I am also studying food tech haha.

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