29 October 2021 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

How to pick a study: find your passion

By Paula

Our International Students Advice team is here to help you with your journey to WUR. Hopefully you will find interesting stories on this weblog and tips that help you with choosing a study.

Are you constantly postponing picking a study because you don’t know which to choose? You are not the only one. Students often find it hard to imagine what kind of work they want to do in the future. Focusing on a profession might make you lose sight of what actually interests you.

You might feel a bit overwhelmed and find it challenging to discover what you like. But with the tips below you will manage! And don’t forget it’s okay not to know the answer right away. Thinking about it is the first step.

Tip 1: What are your interests?

Write down topics that you find interesting. What do you like to talk about or what kind of subjects have you always liked in school? Maybe your list is so long that it still doesn’t help you. Try to make a top 3 or 5 of things you are really passionate about.

Tip 2: Get to know more

If you managed to find out what motivates you it’s good to talk with friends and family. What do they know about this topic? Or maybe they have tips about studies that fit your interest. Also, keep in might that more than one study can fit your interest. For example, if you’re interested in climate change there are various forms of education possible.

Tip 3: It’s okay to change

Sometimes you found a few studies or specialisations that are quite similar. Sometimes the study adviser can help you choose but nothing is a guarantee. And that’s ok. Don’t be afraid to make the wrong choice. Even during a study you can switch between specialisations or follow courses of other programmes. And even after a study people often change between professions.

Tip 4: Don’t be afraid to choose

As said, it’s okay to choose and to change later on. A study is not a commitment you make for life. Even if you 10 years later you think ‘If I knew this before, I would have…’. You will still learn from studying and it won’t be a waste of time. It is very common that when you learn more about yourself your interest might swift a bit as well.

Tip 5: What if you like everything?

Do you get excited about almost everything? Which causes you to end up with and endless things of potential subjects to study. Try to rule out things you absolutely don’t like. Maybe it helps to hear stories from other students as well. You can always chat with students or discover stories on YouTube.

By Paula

Our International Students Advice team is here to help you with your journey to WUR. Hopefully you will find interesting stories on this weblog and tips that help you with choosing a study.

There are 2 comments.

  1. By: Chikadibia Ifegwu · 02-10-2023 at 21:20

    What if I don’t have passion for anything?

    1. By: Laura Sanchez · 05-10-2023 at 09:26

      Dear Chikadibia,

      That is alright, it is all about exploring and trying until you find something you are interested in. We recommend that you have a look at our programmes and chat with our designated students, it will give you a better insight. Don’t forget that you can always change studies later on.

      Kind regards,
      Laura Sanchez

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