8 September 2016 | Category: Student life

Social life in Wageningen

By Guest Blogger

Wageningen University & Research invites anyone related to the university to share their thoughts on different topics in this weblog. To give you as a prospective student several opinions and experience stories of Wageningen University & Research. Hopefully this will provide you an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.

By Raquel Lujan Soto


For many of us, students who came to Wageningen to get the bachelor, master or PhD degree, social life is high in the hierarchy for having a healthy and happy life. In the beginning it might be a bit difficult to get used to the weather, culture and intense rhythm of the Dutch society, but do not despair; there are many opportunities to socialize and nice activities waiting for you. Here are some of them:


Common Barrack in Droevendaal

Droevendaal is a student community placed 2 minutes far from the university. The houses are known as barracks due to the history of the neighborhood. The common barrack is a common space thought to be a place where droevendaalers meet and give space to their imagination. Most activities are open to everybody such as jazz, yoga and juggling among others. The two I joined and I highly recommend are:


  • Murga Barrakantes!
    It is a really energetic dance and percussion band with Argentinian rhythms “3 saltos bien altos”. They participate in many cultural events and demonstrations, culminating with an amazing exhibition during the most important event that Wageningen celebrates, the liberation day “Bevrijdingsdag”, on the 5th of May.


murga barrakantes Wageningen


  • Capoeira angola in Droevendaal
    This traditional fight-dance coming from Brazil will inspire you with its mix of culture, spirituality and exercise. If you want to get to know your body realizing impossible postures, challenge the gravity law, sing and play really interesting instruments, capoeira is your thing.


Stichting Boerengroep

The student NGO Boerengroep, formed and run by students, participates and develops workshops, excursions, films, debates and many more activities all over the year in topics related to agroecology and food sovereignty. If you want to change the world, this NGO is full of amazing people already working towards that change. For more info you can enter in: http://www.boerengroep.nl



ISOW is the International Student Organization of Wageningen. The enrolment is quite cheap and you can join all the activities they offer, from language courses to instrument classes. If you have some skills you want to share as a teacher, they are open to new proposals. You can contact them at: www.isow-wageningen.org



I did not forget that bars are a big part of social life. For those who like to share their time enjoying a beer, as much as I like to do, here I have some recommendations.


De Zaaier is quite a famous meeting point for international students. Most weekends you can find it full of people enjoying nice beers and the charm of the place. There are jam sessions every last Sunday of the month. What to say about Villabloem…What a cozy place! Their cakes and pies are just amazing as well as their coffee specialties. Many weekends they have really interesting parties that count with dj’s and local bands. If you like live music and multicultural spaces you cannot miss it. The Rock and Roll style characterizes Cafe Daniels. Life concerts are also common during the weekends as well as their pubquiz on Tuesday evenings.


I hope this post will help you to find your way in this amazing bubble that is Wageningen!




By Guest Blogger

Wageningen University & Research invites anyone related to the university to share their thoughts on different topics in this weblog. To give you as a prospective student several opinions and experience stories of Wageningen University & Research. Hopefully this will provide you an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.

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