Looking for an internship?

By Claudio Cropano

MSc Plant Sciences

With my first article on this blog, I will write about a hot topic for the fellow students at the second year of their Master degree at WUR: internships!

A curricular internship is part of most of the Master programs offered at Wageningen University. Well, I consider it a great opportunity! It is a unique chance to have a first professional experience and especially to get acquainted with the whole process that leads to an application to a job and the selection process (and hopefully being hired).

Every year Wageningen University organizes a career event to help students and companies to meet each other.

Here I want to share with you guys some tips that I hope will help you find the internship you dream of every night (also, if you dream about internships go see a doctor):


  • The first approach to find the internship of your dreams is asking yourself: what do I want to learn during this internship? Keep in mind that an internship is also meant to teach you something. So, my advice is to exploit this occasion before being set free into the jungle of fresh job seeking-graduates. If you decide in advance what you expect from your internship it will be way easier to find one and to narrow down your shortlist of potential employers.
  • Write a shortlist of organizations of the private (companies) and public sector (research centers / universities / NGOs / other no-profit organizations) that could potentially offer you an internship that meets your interests and learning goals (see above). Don’t exclude anything!
  • Check out the websites of the organizations of your shortlist. Look for vacancies or just send an open application. In case you wish to join an ongoing project at a public institution, send an email to the group leader or project manager to show your interest. Important: do not forget to attach your CV.


  • But please, make sure you just don’t send the same CV to all the positions you are applying to. Highlight those experiences that in your opinion can be relevant for the job. Also, make your friends read your CV and cover letters. That is a way to double-check them and they will be more objective than you in deciding whether they are well written and comprehensive of all your qualifications. If you feel like you are unqualified for the internship, don’t apply. Don’t waste your time (and the time of the HR’s).
  • Do you have a LinkedIn profile? NO? DO IT NOW! Apart from being public profile of your qualifications, it is the best way to get in contact with potential employers. HR managers use LinkedIn a lot and companies advertise internship and job positions. Create a link to your LinkedIn profile in your CV!
  • If you are a student of Wageningen University, you can request a free membership at KLV Wageningen Alumni Network (www.klv.nl). Apart from organizing seminars and workshops on job seeking strategies, they offer a wide range of tailor-made consultancies. They range from career support to how to make your CV glow like gold.
  • Do not be afraid of asking for help! If you ask your professors for an advice on companies or public institutions for an internship or for a recommendation letter (usually for internships they are not required but you never know) they will be glad to help you!


  • Every year Wageningen University organizes a career event to help students and companies to meet each other. This year the career event will take place on the 7th of February. You can meet companies’ representatives, have a brief interview or lunch with them. I did not find my internship there (unlucky, right?) but a lot of my friends did! So, print a few copies of your curriculum, wear nice clothes and go networking like there’s no tomorrow.


That’s it for now! If I hope this was helpful. If you have other tips or if you want to share how you found an internship, please leave a comment below J

Good luck in finding an internship!


P.S 1: There is no money-back guarantee if the information provided here will not get you an internship. Sorry.



By Claudio Cropano

MSc Plant Sciences

There are 9 comments.

  1. By: Godwin · 07-02-2017 at 15:22

    Thanks Claudio for this excellent article. My name is Godwin and I am from India. I study masters in Israel and I wanted to internship in Wagningen University. My area of interest is seed biology and I am interested in learning proteomics of seeds. Any leads or suggestions ?

  2. By: Claudio Cropano · 07-02-2017 at 16:41

    Hi Godwin!

    Here the link to the website of the Laboratory of Biochemistry – Proteomics / Metabolomics of Wageningen University. http://www.wur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Chair-groups/Agrotechnology-and-Food-Sciences/Laboratory-of-Biochemistry/Research/Proteomics-Metabolomics.htm

    Go through their research topics and write to the contact person for the research topic you like. Together with a nice e-mail in which you say that you’re interested in an internship with them attach your CV!

  3. By: Jasmine · 08-02-2017 at 14:02

    Dear all, in terms of plant sciences I know the seed organizations like Monsanto offer often nice internships. I did my thesis at Monsanto and got a job and after seven years I’m still there. So internships and thesis companies are a good way to develop business skills and communication, a feeling if the type of company is what you want as an employer and maybe you are lucky and get a job offer ?.

  4. By: Claudio Cropano · 12-02-2017 at 15:00

    Good for you Jasmine!

  5. By: Mounir Hafsa · 19-08-2017 at 19:22

    Hello ,
    i wanted to thank you for your amazing article ,i have a question about the university and i hope you could help me , i’m currently enrolled in a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and i wanted to know if there is a possibility to study my 2nd year abroad. or is there a possibility to work on a Master’s Thesis nd obtain a double Diploma

    1. By: Claudio Cropano · 20-09-2017 at 08:33

      Dear Mounir,

      There should be no problem with enrolling for a second Master. You could also come to Wageningen for a thesis or an internship. A lot of foreign students do so. About a double diploma, this depends on partnerships and agreement established between Wageningen University and other institutions. So if your current university does not have such an agreement, I am afraid it won’t be possible. If you wish to apply for a Master please visit this website http://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/master.htm. Or contact directly a chair group for a thesis or an internship. Good luck!

  6. By: simon · 15-03-2019 at 11:19

    Thanks for sharing this post,
    is very helpful article.

  7. By: djamila_st · 12-05-2019 at 23:52

    This is wonderful, Thank you


  8. By: terki · 20-07-2023 at 00:07

    thank you for sharing this information

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