A Day in the Life: Master Nutrition and Health Student

By Yurike Inrumitha

Yurike Inrumitha is a master's student of Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University. She is from Jakarta, Indonesia. Besides writing blogs, she is also ISOW board member.

There are a lot of majors available in Wageningen University (WUR). And of course, we all have quite different everyday activities. I think “A Day in the Life” series is a good platform to share different kind of activities in WUR.

I would like to share how I spend my most days as a student studying in WUR in period 5 and 6, second year. Right now, I am doing a minor thesis in Human Nutrition Department at Helix. Hence, I might have a different kind of daily activities compared to those who still have classes. I hope it might broaden your knowledge about student’s life in WUR!

8.00 AM — Wake up

I live in Campus Plaza, right in front of Forum, the main campus building. It is very convenient because I do not have to rush and enjoy my morning tea and have some time to really get out of bed. Since there is a 5-hour time difference from the Netherlands and Indonesia, I also sometimes spend my morning time to talk to my family and friends there.

This is a view from my room. Forum is the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night :p

8.50 AM — heading to Helix

I am doing my minor thesis in Helix Building, where the Human Nutrition Department is. Thesis period is like working period, so we work from 9 to 5 (sometimes I need more than that though!). Besides doing my own research, I also have to attend some weekly meetings, thesis rings, colloquiums, and other stuff. Therefore, it is not the same activity everyday and I can assure it’s not going to be boring!

Get to get my bike and here and head off to Helix!

12.00 PM — Lunch

This is the time I have been waiting for since morning! In WUR, we have several canteens in several buildings, but unfortunately not in Helix. Thus, I always bring my own meal and hang out at the lunch corner. It’s pretty cool there, we get to get a free coffee machine! (Talk about priorities). While stuffing myself with free coffee and tea, I enjoy my lunch with my fellow friends who are also doing their theses.

5.00 PM — Going back and preparing to go to ISOW

After I’m done with thesis, I get a quick dinner and go back to my room to prepare for my next activity: ISOW! ISOW stands for International Stundent Organization Wageningen. ISOW has many kind of courses, such as language and dancing course. It is actually a nice platform for international students like me, to get to know other languages and cultures. I went to Dutch class and Salsa class, two most popular classes at ISOW. However, since now I am in the board, I mostly come here to babysit the building (building with the clock, up to the mountain). It’s pretty nice because I get to meet a lot of interesting people!

10.00 PM — Going home and chillax

My task for today has been done (phew!), and it’s time to go back and recharge for tomorrow. I live in a self-contained room so it’s very quiet and that’s all I need after a busy day. Also, it’s time for me to have a quality time with my loved ones who live miles away by video calling them. Or maybe just chilling by listening to my favorite music on spotify and watching my favorite series on netflix before bed (two essential apps on my device!).


So that’s all for my one day activity! Let me know if you have any questions about how it’s like being a Master Nutrition and Health student 🙂

By Yurike Inrumitha

Yurike Inrumitha is a master's student of Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University. She is from Jakarta, Indonesia. Besides writing blogs, she is also ISOW board member.

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