6 February 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

4 Awesome Ways to Get in Contact with Wageningen University

By Õnne Kask

I'm a Master student in Landscape Architecture & Planning, specialising in Land-Use Planning. I come from Estonia, but have lived in the Netherlands for more than five years as I also did my Bachelor in the south of the country. Since I've been an international student on the Dutch grounds for a while, I hope to give you good insights on what it's like to study at the WUR and in the Netherlands in general.

Applying to a university can bring up a lot of questions. Is Wageningen the right place for me? What’s the student life like? Where can I live? Is my background relevant to the programme? Is this the right study for me? What can I expect from my first year? And the list can go on and on and on.. Luckily for you there are so many possibilities to have all your questions answered through personal contact with WUR. Doesn’t matter if you live close enough to come visit WUR for a day or are only able to reach out online, there’s certainly something for you. Scroll down to find out about different possibilities!

Message a student coach – best scoop about your MSc programme

A student coach is a current student in the programme you’re interested in. She or he can give you the best scoop about the different specialisations and courses. And also, all about different thesis topics and internship possibilities, where students are from and so on. That’s a perfect person to contact if you have very in-depth questions. You can use the contact form on your programme website to get in touch, and you can find an overview of all coaches here.


Open Day (on campus or online) – get a real feel of Wageningen University

An on campus Open Day takes places twice a year. Once in December and once in April. This is a perfect opportunity to come and see the campus, the city and all that comes with it with your own eyes. During the evening, you can visit presentations of two MSc programmes of your choice and chat with professors and current students. You can also ask the admissions office any questions about how to apply and if your background is relevant. Some programmes even offer afternoon programmes for you to get an even better look into the study.


Now if you live far away or cannot visit us for any reason on the set dates, join the Online Open Day instead. During the day you can join in on various online sessions about different courses, but also general information sessions. Through the online platform you can ask all your questions and you’ll get an answer right away. You can also chat with our staff and take a virtual tour of the campus.


Student for a day – experience what it really means to study at WUR

This is your chance to become a student for one day. You simply have to choose a programme you’re interested in and let us know you want to visit. The student coach will then arrange a date with you and welcome you on campus as agreed upon. You follow the student along during her full day with a lecture in the morning, lunch, group work or lab work in the afternoon, or anything else that is scheduled on that day or what she has planned for the day. It’s truly a great way to really get a feeling of what a programme you’re interested in includes and what you expect once you start.



Find a WUR representative in your own country

It might as well be that the country you’re from has a WUR representative. That’s often a former WUR student and is now helping out any potential students with any information you might need. It’s an excellent possibility to hear the experience of someone who is from a same country as you and can help you also with finding scholarships for example. You can find our list of representatives here.


Alright, so that’s already quite a list and that’s not all. Of course, you’re always welcome to email us via students@wur.nlor even just leave a comment with your question below. Also, if you end up using any of the possibilities above, let ua know what you though of it. That’s it for now and I cannot wait to chat with you on Skype or meet you on campus soon!

By Õnne Kask

I'm a Master student in Landscape Architecture & Planning, specialising in Land-Use Planning. I come from Estonia, but have lived in the Netherlands for more than five years as I also did my Bachelor in the south of the country. Since I've been an international student on the Dutch grounds for a while, I hope to give you good insights on what it's like to study at the WUR and in the Netherlands in general.

There are 24 comments.

  1. By: Seta Raynova · 18-03-2019 at 15:41

    Hello Õnne Kask,
    since the form was adapted only for MSc and I’m going to study my Bachelor in Wageni gen, I decided to ask in the comments.
    Are there language courses in the university?
    Should I buy certain students books or do I simply borrow them from the library?

    1. By: Õnne Kask · 19-03-2019 at 11:49

      Hi Seta!
      Yes, you can take basic language courses at WUR next to your studies. Dutch courses are for free at the moment.
      As for books, it is depending on the course. You can wait until the course starts and then get the books that you need from our study store.
      Best, Onne

  2. By: Carolina · 04-04-2019 at 00:14

    Hi, where can I contact future international bachelor students?

    1. By: Õnne Kask · 05-04-2019 at 10:34

      Hi Carolina! We cannot share information of other students. However, you can post a message via FB to see if you can find someone. Our students use the FB page Wageningen Student Plaza.

  3. By: Evrim · 11-04-2019 at 22:53

    Hi, I will be at NIOO-KNAW for internship in this summer. I watched your video on youtube. What should ı do for housing?

    1. By: Õnne Kask · 30-04-2019 at 12:40

      Hi Evrim!
      Hmm, I’m not sure, since it’s temporary. Best chance I’d say is “Wageningen Student Plaza” Facebook group where students might subrent their rooms for the summer.
      Best, Onne

  4. By: Saiswathi · 04-06-2020 at 12:23

    Does Wageningen provide premasters in English for masters in biology and masters in biotechnology

    1. By: Ester · 04-06-2020 at 13:37

      Hi Sasiswathi,

      thank you for your comment. There is the possibility to follow a MOOC (Free Online Courses) in order to get ready for the master and get to know the teachers.


      good luck!


  5. By: Rakan · 03-11-2020 at 18:27

    How can I have letters of recommendation sent directly to the admissions office from the writers as part of my application ?

    1. By: gomez033 · 05-11-2020 at 10:56

      Dear Rakan,

      I will send you an email answering your question.

      Kind regards,
      Luisa Gomez

      International Students Advisor |

      Wageningen University & Research
      P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB, Wageningen
      +31 317-484848


      1. By: Lesehwon Gonkartee · 02-12-2022 at 16:07

        I want to do my master in food security in wageningen University through Oranges knowledge program (okp)

        1. By: Luisa Fernanda · 07-12-2022 at 10:50

          Dear Lesehwon Gonkartee,

          Thank you for your interest in Wageningen University. Unfortunately, the Orange Knowledge Programme is not available anymore. Please check this website for our scholarship options https://www.wur.nl/en/education-programmes/master/practical-information-masters/scholarships-for-international-masters-students.htm.


    2. By: Veer Patni · 13-06-2023 at 23:14

      Subject: Inquiry about Bachelor’s in Agrotechnology Course and Admissions Timeline

      Dear Wageningen University Admissions Office,

      I hope this email finds you well. My name is Veer Patni .I am a student from India ,writing to inquire about the Bachelor’s in Agrotechnology course at [University Name]. I am highly interested in pursuing my undergraduate studies in this field and would appreciate some information regarding the program and the admissions timeline.

      Firstly, I would like to know more about the Bachelor’s in Agrotechnology program itself. Could you please provide me with details about the curriculum, coursework, and any specialized areas of focus within the program? I am particularly interested in learning about the practical and hands-on components of the course, as well as any research opportunities or internships available to students.

      Furthermore, I would like to inquire about the admissions timeline for the Bachelor’s in Agrotechnology program. Could you kindly inform me of the specific dates for the application period and any associated deadlines? Additionally, I would appreciate information on any specific requirements or prerequisites for admission to the program, including any subject requirements or standardized tests that may be necessary.

      Lastly, I would be grateful for any information on scholarships or financial aid opportunities available to international students pursuing the Bachelor’s in Agrotechnology program. Please provide details regarding the eligibility criteria, application process, and deadlines for scholarship applications.

      I understand that the admissions process may be subject to changes, and I would like to ensure that I have the most up-to-date information. Therefore, please let me know if there are any changes or updates to the program or admissions requirements that I should be aware of, also please fill me in with the subject requirements specifically .

      Thank you for your attention to my inquiry. I look forward to hearing from you and receiving more information about the Bachelor’s in Agrotechnology program at Wageningen University.

      Yours sincerely,

      Veer Patni
      Contact – veerpatni31@gmail.com

      1. By: Vincent · 26-07-2023 at 14:07

        Dear Patni,

        Many thanks for your message. The Bachelor’s Agrotechnology is a Dutch taught programme and won’t be given in English. You can find all the English taught Bachelor’s programmes here: https://www.wur.nl/en/education-programmes/bachelor/bsc-programmes.htm.

        Kind regards,

  6. By: Anu Ragavi · 22-08-2021 at 21:32

    Will my 8 history of arrears which is 5 arrears and due to multiple attempts it is 8 can affect my chances of getting into WUR? Do WUR so much strict with arrears?

    1. By: Luisa Fernanda · 23-08-2021 at 10:11

      Dear Anu Ragavi,

      Thank you for your interest in Wageningen University. I will send you an email with useful information.

      Best regards,
      Luisa Gomez
      Team International Students Advice |

  7. By: Swastika · 24-04-2022 at 06:20

    How can a Nepalese student multiply the chance of scholarship?

    1. By: Luisa Fernanda · 25-04-2022 at 11:16

      Dear prospective student,

      Please check our scholarships website and read about the requirements to be eligible. Please let me know if you have other questions.


  8. By: Suraj · 26-07-2022 at 12:07

    I am Suraj from India
    I got accepted for summer school “GREEN GENETICS” conducted by Wageningen university,
    As I am from India I need accommodation for 6 days in Wageningen university, Due to my families financial crisis I am unable to afford for the accommodation outside the university in the hotels, so please help me by arranging accommodation for me for 6 days in the university. As I also planned for masters in future at Wageningen university it also helps me to know about university.
    Any guest rooms will be much more easier

    1. By: Luisa Fernanda · 26-07-2022 at 14:05

      Dear Suraj,

      Thank you for your interest in Wageningen University, and congratulation on getting accepted into the summer school “Green Genetics”. Unfortunately, we cannot provide accommodation for students during summer school, and we do not have guest rooms. I suggest you check Facebook groups such as “Wageningen Student Plaza” or maybe even Couchsurfing.

      Good luck!
      Luisa Gomez
      Student Recruitment Department

  9. By: Siddharth Jain · 18-05-2023 at 07:45

    I am Siddharth Jain from India.
    Currently working with Indian Energy Exchange as an Energy Strategist. I want to pursue masters in climate change and energy with your college.

    I want to know the details and requirement for the admission process.


    1. By: Luisa Fernanda · 23-05-2023 at 10:54

      Dear Siddharth,

      Thank you for your interest in Wageningen University. You can find all the information about application and admission on this link.

      Luisa Gomez

  10. By: Okedun Boluwatife Solomon · 19-11-2023 at 18:52

    Is there scholarship available for African undergraduate Students

    1. By: Laura Sanchez · 27-11-2023 at 10:07

      Dear Okdeun,

      You can find all available scholarships in this Scholarship portal. First, you specify your chosen place of study, and then you can filter by type of study. Make sure to read all the criteria from the result options to see which one you are eligible for.

      Kind regards,

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