11 August 2019 | Category: Master's Student, Student life

Have you heard of this?

By Varsha

Namaste, I am Varsha Sethuraman from Bengaluru (Bangalore), from the Southern part of India :) I pursue my Master's in Climate Studies This is my first time living away from family and it has been an amazing journey so far. Will take you through most of my experiences in Wageningen. I hope you would enjoy reading them :D

What programme?

Hello, I am a student from the master programme “Climate studies”. It is a course to tackle Anthropocene climate change.

What is Anthropocene? :O

Relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment

Climate change and WUR!

Wageningen University and Research has a number of research opportunities to explore and combat climate change. Obviously, their first step is to offer the course ๐Ÿ˜›

The programme has FIVE different specialisations, do check out the website to know more about them in detail.

And I have chosen the specialisation “”

Since my bachelor’s is different from my master’s, initially I did struggle to keep up with the course. However, as each period went by, the schedule and work load becomes easy to deal with ๐Ÿ™‚

The courses I chose requires preparations before the class to cope with the lectures. In addition, every assignment is important to better understand concepts. Well, like I said, initially it would be very difficult to keep up, but you will definitely get used to it. This is the speciality of WUR ๐Ÿ˜‰It is wise to speak to alumni and other students to understand the various courses offered before choosing the specialisation. Before approaching your study advisers, be sure to know what you courses you want to do. Helps save time and easier for them to understand your interests ๐Ÿ™‚

The best part of the programme is that it offers a wide range ofย  interesting courses and provides flexibility of not having too many “compulsory courses”

The most interesting course of this programme is the ‘Academic Consultancy Training (ACT)’. The course offers different projects with real time clients ๐Ÿ™‚ You will need to submit a report by the end of the 12 week course. It is evaluated by the course supervisors and the client! During the course, you get to learn a lot about real world problems and apply theories from different courses taught during various periods. It is also a great learning opportunity to cooperate in a professional manner with other students who are a part of the team.

The first year of the master’s was amazing, can’t wait to see what is in store for the second year!

By Varsha

I am Varsha Sethuraman from Bengaluru (Bangalore), from the Southern part of India :) I pursue my Master's in Climate Studies
This is my first time living away from family and it has been an amazing journey so far. Will take you through most of my experiences in Wageningen.
I hope you would enjoy reading them :D

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