8 September 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

Surviving life in Wageningen

By Varsha

Namaste, I am Varsha Sethuraman from Bengaluru (Bangalore), from the Southern part of India :) I pursue my Master's in Climate Studies This is my first time living away from family and it has been an amazing journey so far. Will take you through most of my experiences in Wageningen. I hope you would enjoy reading them :D

I can’t believe, one year in Wageningen is done! It still feels like I just moved into this beautiful small city to start my master’s. But, the past one year, there’s so much I learnt and explored. But there is still a lot to do. One year is done but another is yet to come!

Here are some tips and tricks for you to enjoy your stay in Wageningen ๐Ÿ˜€


It is very important to attend classes on a regular basis. Although professors give us informative presentations, what makes it interesting is the interactive sessions during the lectures. This session helps understand the topic much better, since you have different students with their own approach and perspective to the topic. Ever since period 1, I ensured to be a part of all classes.

The library was my second home during my first year of master’s. It’s such a serene place to study and finish up Uni work. This is my personal choice, but you could always choose what is best for you.

Sports centre de Bongerd

De Bongerd is a WUR given gift. The number of sports offered there is stupendous. Especially during winter, it is such a great reliefย  to workout at de Bongerd. Sign up and start your classes ๐Ÿ˜€

Here is the link to do so:


Life outside the Universityย 

Apart from regular classes and exams, there is so much you can do in Wageningen.

  • A bike ride to the Rhine during the day: The Rhine a.k.a Wageningen Beach is a hangout for most of the students studying at WUR. You can take a cool dip during hot summers and organise birthday picnics or you could also watch the sunset.
  • Sunbathe: As you know, winter sets in as early as end of October and lasts forever ๐Ÿ™ Hence it is important to get as much as Vitamin D as possible before that. You will see a lot of students sitting outside the campus or at the city centre basking under the sun.
  • Saturday Market: This is something I always look forward to. The market is an escape from regular “Supermarket” grocery shopping ๐Ÿ˜› You will see everything from Veggies to Pet food. The later you go to the market, the better the offers are, sometimes, you might just get lucky and get a bag full of free veggies and fruits ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Night life: I am not a party person, but most of my friends are ๐Ÿ˜› I’ve heard from them that there are a few places at the city centre to party on the weekends. Cafe Loburg and the International Club Association for example, organise many parties. You could follow their pages on Facebook to get regular updates.

Sunset by the Rhine


By Varsha

I am Varsha Sethuraman from Bengaluru (Bangalore), from the Southern part of India :) I pursue my Master's in Climate Studies
This is my first time living away from family and it has been an amazing journey so far. Will take you through most of my experiences in Wageningen.
I hope you would enjoy reading them :D

There are 7 comments.

  1. By: Krish · 09-09-2019 at 11:04

    Lovely and very informative!

    1. By: Jorge · 20-09-2019 at 18:59

      We need a bigger bongerd ?

  2. By: Mugesh · 23-09-2019 at 05:06

    It feels like having a small journey into wageningen.

  3. By: Peter Joseph Mosha · 06-11-2019 at 06:20

    Innovative and inspiring
    My take, make sure you make every day new and scheduled by walking in the forest and nature around WUR,long bicycle riding to Northern part of the country just to mention few
    See you around

    1. By: Abeda Alice · 06-11-2019 at 10:45

      What a wonderful description of the life at Wageningen, you engaged my imagination all through…

  4. By: Kartik · 20-11-2019 at 19:10

    Nice to read the experiences at wageningen from a fellow Kannadiga! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. By: Suhas · 01-09-2021 at 13:59

    Very Interesting
    Will be joining WUR in Feb 2022 and starting my masters in Environmental Sciences. Would love to connect and know more about your experience.
    Suhas (fellow Bangalorian!)

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