4 December 2019 | Category: Education

Lumen building of Environmental Sciences chair groups

By Dissa Natria

Hi! my name is Dissa. I am from Indonesia and I have graduated recently from Environmental Sciences Master Programme at Wageningen University. Currently, I am working in the Education Support Centre of WUR as a Brightspace support team. Other than working, you will hardly find me anywhere because I love my bed so much (haha). I am an ambivert person who loves traveling, watching a movie or series or (especially) Korean drama ;D. Well, I do sports sometimes!

Lumen building design

Lumen building

Lumen building is an extraordinary and famous building at WUR because of its design.

The building is located in Droevendaalsesteeg 3a Building 100 with opening hours from Monday – Friday at 07.00 – 22.00. Lumen means light. Stefan Behnisch, a Germany architect, built this building in 1998 (Source:Ā wur.nl). This is the first building that has been constructed on the new campus of WUR. Representing its name, The characteristics of Lumen building are the natural light, garden, water, and the feel of being in nature. It has two gardens that separate the three wings. You can enjoy the greenery, fresh air, and the water burbles while having a coffee break. Sometimes, you can also find a group of people on a tour or people filming an interview.

Garden inside the building (1)


Garden inside the building (2)

Lumen stands out not only because of the indoor gardens but also the interior design of the main building.

With the shape of ā€˜Eā€™ letter and three floors, this building shelters not less than ten chair groups of Environmental Sciences cluster programs. Inside, you will find a colorful design and cozy corners to have a small talk with colleagues or even discussing a new finding of your research!

One of the cozy corners of the main building

The lounge on the ground floor

Meeting rooms

Lumen 5 (one of the meeting rooms). The room where I presented my proposal and final presentation šŸ˜€

There are also six meeting rooms available in this building, namely Lumen 1, Lumen 2, Lumen 3, etc. So, students and teachers can have their presentations there. For me, this is convenient because we do not have to move to another building for the performances. Usually, the room is fully booked.

Therefore, make sure you have arranged your presentation at least two weeks in advance through your chair group secretary.

Thesis rooms

For your information, every chair group has thesis rooms for students

During my second year, Lumen is officially my second home. I spent half of my day in one of the thesis room of the Environmental Systems Analysis chair group. For your information, every chair group has thesis rooms for students. So, for you, environmental sciences students, if you find it difficult to work in your room because of the distractions, come to the thesis room! It is really worth it; you can focus, easily reach your supervisor, and sometimes discuss your thesis with the other students. Once you get bored, bring your tea or coffee and enjoy the gardens.


Have you ever visited Lumen building? How do you think it is? Leave your comment below šŸ™‚

By Dissa Natria

Hi! my name is Dissa. I am from Indonesia and I have graduated recently from Environmental Sciences Master Programme at Wageningen University. Currently, I am working in the Education Support Centre of WUR as a Brightspace support team. Other than working, you will hardly find me anywhere because I love my bed so much (haha). I am an ambivert person who loves traveling, watching a movie or series or (especially) Korean drama ;D. Well, I do sports sometimes!

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