22 April 2020 | Category: Student life

Student Story – Tran Uyen Ngoc

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen. I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry. I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

Tran Uyen Ngoc is one of the students that you might know from our online platform ood.wur.nl. But she also told us about her experiences in Wageningen.

Hi! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers and tell us where you are from and what are you studying in Wageningen?

“Hi, My name is Tran Uyen Ngoc. I am 26 years old now, I grew up in Vietnam and I am studying my Master’s in Animal Sciences at Wageningen University & Research.”

When did you first hear about WUR and what was your motivation or passion to study in Wageningen?

“I first heard about WUR for its prominent ranking in Agriculture Field as well as the international community in the university. As the university focuses on the domain of food and living environment through a scientific approach, I knew that this is the best place to continue my further study if I want to achieve world-class knowledge in my field.”

Also, why did you choose your programme? What was the moment you knew for sure what you wanted to study?

“The master’s course in Animal Sciences offers everything I need to become an expert in Veterinary and Human Immunology. The programme is taught through collaboration between academics with world-class expertise in diverse aspects of animal and human health and gives students an opportunity to learn about a wide range of novel scientific theories and their application. Furthermore, the outline of this programme provides a balance between lectures and practical sessions. This is particularly crucial as students can really apply what they learn into practice, which ensures a deeper understanding of the knowledge.”

Which part of your study do you find the most interesting?

“In my third period, I had an opportunity to take the course ‘Development and Healthy Aging’. This course focuses on ageing healthy by gaining cellular and molecular knowledge with a balance combination between lectures and practicals. I think this course is really useful for students in different majors, the professors were also very nice and supportive to answer all our questions regarding various topics.”

Maybe it is still a bit early but do you already know where you see yourself working in the future?

“I am eager to continue developing my research skills in Veterinary and Human Immunology. Becoming an expert in this field is something that interests me as part of my five-year plan, which will surely require many efforts to achieve this goal.”

Do you live in a student house like Starflat or do you rent a room in the city?

“I live in Dijkgraaf which is very near to the campus. It only takes about 5 minutes to cycle to the uni, 10 minutes to the city centre. I live together with 9 international students, we share the kitchen, the bathrooms and the toilet. Everyone is nice and easy-going, we have gotten to know each other and we and enjoy our time cooking in the kitchen together.”

And what do you do besides studying?

“I enjoy going to the gym in the Bongerd after studying. Joining the gym is always a good decision to unwind from a stressful time during the courses. And most importantly, to keep me healthy and energetic during cold weather in the Netherlands.”

As an international student abroad, how do you meet other students?

“I often invite my friends to come over my corridor to cook together and have dinner there. During the Lunar new year, Vietnamese students in Wageningen organised a new-year party for all Vietnamese to come and enjoy our traditional food.”

What do you think about the international atmosphere on campus? How do you experience it?

“It is nice to experience the international environment of the university. Students from different continents gather together to discuss one project. Everyone gets a chance to express their ideas about a problem, no matter where they come from, what their interests are. This allows students to evaluate an issue in a multi-dimensional perspective, thereby creating a beneficial impact on sustainability, equality, etc.”

What do you think about the campus? Do you have a favourite spot?

“The campus provides all the things students will need for their academic studies. A library with a wide collection of books, journals, articles in a multi-disciplinary approach, sports centres, canteen with many foods from different countries, and more! Forum is definitely my favourite spot on the campus. I have taken many courses in Forum and found it has much working space for group discussions. Coffee machines and microwaves are something I am always looking for during my late study at the uni.”

Also, do you have favourite spots in the city?

“Saturday market is one of my go-to places in the city centre. I can buy a variety of food here at a cheaper price, for example, fruit, cheese, vegetables. This is also a nice place to coincidently meet my friends during weekends.”

In what way does living in the Netherlands differ from your home country?

“The way of greeting is different between Dutch and Vietnamese. Dutch people greet the person they see first when they meet people they do not know, while Vietnamese always greet the older person and the head of the family first in order to show our respect and after that the younger ones. Vietnamese, like other Asian countries, do not do cheek-kisses as well as give a hug to each other while Dutch people do. Knowing these differences really helps me to understand more about the Dutch lifestyles in order to adapt to the new culture.”

What do you like the most about studying and living in the Netherlands?

“I really love Dutch people. They are really open-minded, kind and friendly. Living in a different country is always hard, however, I feel so safe and contented as I am here in the Netherlands. Thank you very much for all the amazing experience here in WUR!”


By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen.
I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry.

I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

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