24 April 2020 | Category: Student life

Student Story – Manon

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen. I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry. I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

This week’s student experience tells the story of Manon. You might already know her from the student tour at ood.wur.nl

Hi Manon! Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

“Hello! My name is Manon. I’m 22 and come from Brussels. I’m currently studying Biobased Sciences at WUR.”

When did you first hear about WUR and what was your motivation or passion to study in Wageningen?

“I had heard about WUR through friends of friends that came here to study. Then, when I was looking for programmes to do my master’s abroad, WUR quickly appeared in my researches because it is highly ranked in life sciences. I came to the open day and when I saw the campus, I was immediately convinced I wanted to study here.”

How did you choose your programme? What was the moment you knew for sure what you wanted to study?

“I wanted to study something that was at the forefront of the challenges we are facing today and that could propose concrete solutions to help society. Biobased sciences is a new master’s, very innovative and interdisciplinary, focused on circularity.”

Where do you live? In a student house like Starflat or do you rent a room in the city? And what do you like about this place?

“I live in a student house and I love my roommates.”

What do you do besides studying?

“I really like going bouldering at Avalon.”

As an international student abroad, how do you meet other students? Are there special gatherings, in your student house or on campus you like?

“We have a weekly dinner in our international student house. It is always a lot of fun. Otherwise going out for a drink is very nice to meet friends.”

How do you experience the international atmosphere on campus?

“I love the feeling of the international atmosphere on campus, it really opens your minds. I find it very interesting to discuss with people from so many backgrounds.”

What do you think about the student life in Wageningen?

“It is more cosy and chill than my previous study town but that is also what I like about it.”

What are your favourite spots or activities on campus?

“I love the Spot at Orion. It is a nice place to meet up, chat over a coffee or do group work in a really nice and relaxed atmosphere.”

Do you have a favourite spot in the city?

“I love walking on the Dijk or go to the famous ‘beach’ of Wageningen at the Rijn.”

In what way does living in the Netherlands differ from your home country?

“Even though Belgium is nearby, it is still very different. I’m still not used to how early people in the Netherlands eat dinner and I just love the nature here as it is much more green than where I used to live.”

What do you like the most about studying and living in the Netherlands?

“ What I really like about living in the Netherlands and studying in Wageningen, is the International community. WUR attracts students and staff from all over the world so feeling at home is easy”.

By Ester

I grew up on the Catalan Pyrenees, where my heart belongs. I am currently enrolled on the MSc Food Technology program at Wageningen.
I could describe myself as a sunrise person underneath the restless and ever moving mind. I love running in the mountains, surrounded by nature and its beauty. I am passionate about learning, cooking, traveling and collecting plants to make handmade jewelry.

I live everyday as a new exploring adventure, step by step.

There are 3 comments.

  1. By: Ine · 01-05-2020 at 13:18

    Hi Ester! I will be enrolling in the masters programma Food Technology (Product Design) next semester and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. By: Ester · 05-05-2020 at 12:18

      Dear Ine,

      Thank you so much for contacting us. Of course, you are more than welcome to ask your questions. I will try to do my best to solve your doubts. Don’t hesitate to email me back; I’ll send you a private email so you can reach me out.

      Warm regards,

    2. By: Ester · 26-05-2020 at 09:23

      Dear Ine,
      I hope I can help you as much as I can. I therefore sent you an email to explain further the master and the specialisation.

      Warm regards,

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