22 June 2020 | Category: Education

Student Experience: Joining Free EdX Courses

By Siti Widyastuti Noor

Hi! I am an Indonesian student at Wageningen University & Research, pursuing my Master's degree in International Development with a specialization in Politics and Governance of Development. I really enjoy living in Wageningen and I will share my experience of studying here, I hope every reader will enjoy my posts

Have you ever heard of MOOC? It stands for Massive Open and Online Courses. As Wageningen Students, we can get free access to several courses with different topics, from food technology to animal sciences. These courses are developed by Professors from Wageningen University & Research and are based on the latest scientific research.

To have a productive stay-at-home, I joined online courses. The reasons are because I am now in my second year and I do not do any courses anymore.


I learned that WUR also offers certified edX online courses!


Wageningen University and other top institutions joined forces to make each other’s students and staff can access the online courses. Besides, we can get a certificate and access all contents in the courses.

There are a lot of online courses being offered by top institutions, such as Delft, MIT, Harvard University, etc. There are also various themes and topics of online courses.


How to enrol to these courses?

What I did; Firstly, I register to edX with my WUR Email and browse all the courses.

Several choices of courses at EdX website


Then, I read carefully about the course guide, the list of teachers, and make sure that I have sufficient background to do the courses.

You also need to check the list of participating institution, so you can use the discount voucher from the University

More information you can find at WUR Website


Then, I enrol to the courses and I read the instructions from the WUR website about these offers. I sent an email to the University to ask for the voucher code to the course that I enrol.


My experience!

After one week enrolling for a course from edX and got the voucher code from the University, I realized that it is a bit of struggle for me to learn from the online platform in the stay-at-home situation. I need to focus on and regularly following the classes.

However, with the voucher code from the University, I have a target to fulfil the course before the deadline and get the certificate of completion.

My tips are: being discipline to yourself and set your target to achieve the completion certificate!


For further info, you can check the information from WUR! Good luck with the online course and have a great stay-at-home period!!

By Siti Widyastuti Noor

Hi! I am an Indonesian student at Wageningen University & Research, pursuing my Master's degree in International Development with a specialization in Politics and Governance of Development. I really enjoy living in Wageningen and I will share my experience of studying here, I hope every reader will enjoy my posts

There is one comment.

  1. By: College courses in the Philippines · 13-10-2021 at 05:06

    This is fantastic! Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. I’m looking forward to reading more.

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