18 January 2021 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

How to NOT get lost on Campus

By Linda Widiachristy

Happy new year everyone! I hope you have a proper break before continuing your study this year. Time indeed flies, there will be new students coming soon. Welcome to Wageningen! For all of you who come all the way here, it must be thrilling to finally see the Campus in real life (It does look different from the photo, right? who would imagine the forum would be that big?). I still remembered the first time I had to go to the Campus for a class. I got utterly lost on the way; it took me around 40 minutes to just find the right building and the right room. If you are not good with reading the map and have a terrible sense of orientation, like I am, I hope these tips might help you to at least find your class right on time.  

Check your schedule

Example of time-edit schedule

First, look at your schedule on time-edit. Sometimes, the lecturer also announces the class in the bright space, meaning do not rely solely on time edit. Always do double check if there is a change in the schedule! On time-edit, you can find the name of the building and the room number; it also includes the google map’s link.

Find the building

To find the building, you can always use the power of google map! You can also estimate how long it takes from your house to the building. However, even if you found the building, there is a chance where you can get lost inside. It might also take a while to go to that room (if your room is on the sixth floor and you have to use the stair, well good luck!). So make sure you always have spare time. To find the room, you could look at the layout plan or ask the officer in the building, don’t be afraid to ask people. Another application that you can use is the ‘Wageningen Campus App.’ Here you can find the map of all the campus buildings, including where you can buy food during the break as well!

Wageningen Campus App

Campus tour

Virtual Campus Tour by WURTUBE (Source: Youtube)

It is also nice if you can do a campus tour when you are free, you can do it virtually or together with your friend. I found a great video that can give you a glimpse of what the Campus looks like; some even offer a 360 campus tour. Moreover, walking around Campus is quite lovely since each building has its uniqueness. It feels like you have an architectural trip (while trying to remember the building’s name and the route!). If you are also into art, Wageningen university has an art route where you can stroll around the Campus and find some interesting artworks. Here is the map if you are interested in doing that.

I hope this post helps you in finding your class during this difficult time. While you are exploring, don’t forget to take a picture in front of the infamous “W” statue! Stay healthy and good luck with your study!

Reference for cover picture:

Wageningen University & Research. (n.d.). WUR Campus [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.wur.nl/en/newsarticle/Wageningen-rises-five-steps-on-world-universities-ranking.htm

By Linda Widiachristy

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