25 March 2022 | Category: Student life

Work in The Netherlands alongside your studies

By Samuel

Living in the Netherlands can be quite expensive. Therefore, it is good to think about studies and work since it can help with your expenses.

Do you live abroad and plan to move to The Netherlands? If you are going to work in The Netherlands, you are required to have healthcare insurance. As a rule, everyone who lives (for a long period of time) and/or works in The Netherlands is obligated to have health care insurance. The government calls it ‘Zorgverzekeringswet’ (Healthcare insurance law).

You can arrange this easily online. It might be complicated to understand Dutch web pages. In this case, you can always call the company. They’ll, for sure, attend you in English language.


Is it possible to work alongside your studies?

This is the most famous question. The answer is YES. You just need to organise yourself better and precisely. There are many jobs open to student applicants, so take advantage of them!

However, it’s important that you use your free time wisely. Use the time that you have constructively, as this will help you balance your day job and your studies more effectively.


Where to find job opportunities?

As stated, there are opportunities for work while studying. These tips may help you land a part-time job during your studies;

  • Actively ask people about job opportunities (make good use of your network).
  • Check out the Wageningen Student Plaza Facebook page regularly.
  • Within the university, some student assistant jobs are occasionally advertised on social media handles of departments in the university (Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook etc.)


How much does it cost?

The basic one goes from €100-120. You can check affordable prices. Take into account that the government can pay you back some money. It’s called Zorgtoeslag (healthcare allowance) and is a money allowance that the government pays you prior to/after your health insurance is paid out. The maximum payout ranges between €100-115/per month, leaving you with less than €10 to pay (depending on your salary).

For more information, check here

Make sure you have organised your healthcare insurance in time

Once you moved to The Netherlands, you have 4 months after moving to take out an insurance policy. If you start working in The Netherlands you also have 4 months to arrange your healthcare insurance after starting your job.



It is important that you have valid healthcare insurance within 4 months after moving to The Netherlands.


It is necessary to have valid healthcare insurance within 4 months after the issue date of your residence permit. Moreover, you can only work if you have a work permit. Please take note it is only your potential employer who can apply for a work permit on your behalf. In my case (as a non-EU student), WUR applied for my work permit for my student assistant job through the Expat Center Food Valley. It may take up to 5 weeks to get feedback on your application.

You will need some documents to apply for your work permit such as your BSN (Citizen Service Number) and proof of residence in your municipality (both will be received after you register at the municipality on arrival), passport, and resident permit card. Depending on your job (for example student assistant), it may be required that you provide a letter of proof of enrolment and your previous education diploma.

You can work for a maximum of 16 hours a week during the year, or full-time during the months of June, July and August.


Don’t hesitate to comment below if you have any questions about studies and work!


Acknowledgement: This post is a revised version of a blog written by Ester (a former International Student Blogger). Many thanks to Ester for putting up this amazing piece!

By Samuel

There are 3 comments.

  1. By: Franklyn Ifegbo · 03-05-2022 at 18:34

    Hello Sam. Please could you send me your email address. I currently have an admission in WUR; I’m looking forward to moving there soon, and I sure would be needing a student work opportunity when I arrive. Kind regards.

    1. By: Samuel · 18-05-2022 at 10:03

      Hi Franklyn,

      I am happy to hear that you will be studying at WUR soon. I will send you an email. So we keep in touch. Have a nice day and see you in Wageningen sometime. 🙂

  2. By: Sandesh · 26-05-2022 at 18:18

    Dear Sam,
    Thanks for your helpful article. I too am an international non-EU student expected to begin studying in September. Can I link up with you on email? I would like to know a little bit more about student work opportunities for non-EU students and would be most grateful if you could clarify a few things for me. Cheers!

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