Studying with a disability, ADHD or dyslexia

By Paula

Our International Students Advice team is here to help you with your journey to WUR. Hopefully you will find interesting stories on this weblog and tips that help you with choosing a study.

Studying with a disability can make university extra challenging. At Wageningen University & Research we embrace students from all over the world. Also, students with all kinds of disabilities. There is extra guidance and provisions where needed. Below you can find what kind of adjustments you can expect so you don’t have to worry.

Guidance when studying with a disability

If you have a disability the student deans, study advisers or psychologists at Wageningen University can support you. They help students with learning or physical disabilities, and all have their specialities.

  • Student deans give information about the regulations, and they can request study modifications. Also, they give advice on choosing the right study.
  • Study advisers guide students in choosing courses as well as changing personal study plans.
  • Student psychologists can help with short term conversational and behavioural therapies, performance anxiety training and interest tests.

Adjustments in education and exams for students with a disability

You might be a bit nervous about engaging in courses or taking exams. But if you talk to a student dean, they can discuss adjustments that fit your needs. There are several changes that are possible that can help you:

  • Adjustments in content. For example, by offering equal level alternative course material.
  • Prolonging the time limit in which you have to complete an assignment.
  • Altering the study pace if you can’t keep up with the normal pace. Or getting more time for making an exam.
  • Offering exams on a computer instead of paper.
  • Providing a quiet space for studying or taking an exam.

For all the possible adjustments you can read more about studying with a disability at the website.

Studying with dyslexia, ADD or ADHD

Dyslexia, ADD or ADHD are the most common learning disabilities. Most students that have one of these are able to have more time during exams or courses. If this is the case, you only need a valid medical statement and can apply for extra time online.

You can find more information about studying with dyslexia, ADD or ADHD on the website.

By Paula

Our International Students Advice team is here to help you with your journey to WUR. Hopefully you will find interesting stories on this weblog and tips that help you with choosing a study.

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