What to do if you don’t pass an exam at WUR?

By kamya

At some point in your Master’s or Bachelor’s journey, you may not be able to pass a course on the first attempt. In this case, do not feel discouraged as you are definitely not alone!

Firstly, failing to pass an exam is not the end of the world. It is something that many students go through during their study programmes. So do not feel let down, personally, I have also had some resit exams. So I write this from a place of experience and empathy :p

One of the first steps is to register in a timely manner for the – Resit Exam. Keep track of the date of the Resit Exam for the course that you were unable to pass. This will also give you sufficient time to prepare for the Resit Exam.

After you know when your Resit Exam is, then it is time to start with the preparations. Giving an exam (again) can be a daunting task, but you can do it as many have done before you. If you have a Resit Exam in the future, then it can be handy to read this. Here are a few useful tips & tops you can keep in mind while preparing for your Resit Exam –

  • Ask for help

It can be helpful to write to your Professor about the course for which you have to resit the exam. Your professor might be able to give you some useful tips to prepare for the exam. There is no harm in seeking guidance or help as your Professor may be able to provide you with some helpful tips. This can really help your preparation for the exam and put you in the right direction.

  • Find other people to study with:

It can be helpful to find other students who are also preparing to give the same Resit Exam. You can study together and help each other out. Teaching and learning alongside your peers can prove helpful. This will help you to familiarise yourself with the content and test each others’ understanding of different topics.

  • Make a study plan

It is always useful to make a study plan and to ensure that you have all the material you need to study. Try to include practice questions in your study preparations. This will give you a good picture of the actual exam and help you practice the type of questions that will be actually asked during the exam.

  • Avoid making past mistakes

If you faced difficulty in understanding a specific topic or content, make sure to prioritise it. Find ways to clarify doubts on this topic. You can reach out to your fellow students or professors for the course. It is good to prevent repeating the same mistakes as you did the first time.

  • Give yourself little breaks and rewards

It can get repetitive and boring to study the same content again and again. It is helpful to give yourself little breaks and/or rewards to maintain interest. Taking little breaks can help keep motivation up and avoid burnout.

Hope these pointers help you in preparing for your Resit Exam. One last tip, it can be helpful to borrow any kind of notes or summaries from a student who has excelled in this course. This can really be helpful and will deepen your understanding of the content. All the best with your exam!

By kamya

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