Drones deployed for a richer nature

4 June 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

Despite the efforts many farmers make to keep their meadows hospitable, pasture birds experience difficulties in the Netherlands. Wageningen researchers developed a method to determine what the birds need (such as whether or not to mow the grass) using drone images and self-learning image recognition software. Moreover, ecologists deploy drones…

Self-test for allergens in food

14 May 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

If someone with a peanut allergy accidentally ingests traces of peanut, it can have serious or even fatal consequences. Wageningen researchers have developed a simple test that consumers can use to test food for certain allergens on the spot, and they can view detailed test results on their smartphone. Scientists…

Blockchain improves transparency and sustainability

30 April 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

There is a lot that people want to know about food. Are farmers getting a fair price? What is the situation with pest control? Economists at Wageningen are researching ways of sharing that kind of information quickly and safely. One way is through blockchain, a technology that acts a digital…

Natural capital

16 April 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

Nature provides us with resources and food, regulates our climate and purifies air and water. Moreover, it provides us with a pleasant living and leisure environment. These properties are not included in the price of products. In collaboration with Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek – CBS) Wageningen researchers…

Healthy and affordable food everywhere

2 April 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

People in low-income countries often have limited access to fruits and vegetables, which results in a one-sided diet. To make their eating habits more varied, Wageningen nutrition researchers lead an international study on food systems. In Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Vietnam, they investigate what interventions are needed in policy, communication…

Flowers, bees and solar panels

19 March 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

In order to achieve the goals set in the Paris Climate Agreement, there is a growing number of solar parks in the Netherlands, often on farmland. Wageningen scientists join forces with solar park developers to study how nature may flourish under and in between solar panels. Because with sufficient space…

Making the Netherlands healthier

5 March 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

Half of all Dutch adults are overweight, which makes them more susceptible to corona. A healthier lifestyle may help mitigate the effects of a COVID-19 infection and help prevent various chronic illnesses. This alleviates the pressure on health care and gives us a head start in future pandemics. Wageningen researchers…

The green city of the future

Groen op balkons in de stad
19 February 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

The Netherlands is urbanising. It is becoming increasingly important for city-dwellers to live happily and healthily. Simultaneously, we must preserve nature and adapt to climate change. Researchers developed a perspective on our country and cities in 100 years. With green in the leading role, through smart green roofs, hanging gardens…

Reconsidering tourism

5 February 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

The corona pandemic has revealed how vulnerable the global tourism industry is. Wageningen researchers, therefore, call for a reorientation on the role of tourism in society. This would allow local economies and nature conservation in, for example, Africa to become less dependent on tourists. It could also alleviate the pressure…

Draining and storing water due to climate change

15 January 2021 | Category: Geen categorie

The Netherlands is designed for the rapid draining of superfluous rainwater. The dryer summers that result from climate change, however, also call for the storage of water. Wageningen researchers collaborate with water managers to discover what steps may be taken to increase water availability for agriculture and nature. For example:…