3 May 2016 | Category: Education

Master Open Day

By Debby Los

International Students Advice

Over 600 prospective Master students came to visit the Master Open Day on April 15, of which 120 visitors were international prospective students who took the chance to see the University for themselves. During this day it was possible to walk around on the campus, take a look inside the different buildings and talk to students.

open day 15april

Two Questions & Answers sessions were organized for the international visitors. The main goal of these sessions was to take away any queries that had been pressing on the visitors’ minds. Some of them had already participated in the ‘Be a student for a day’ experience. This activity makes it possible for prospective students to join a student of the programme of their interest during a regular study day. Other Master programmes organized student for a day activities that allowed groups of prospective students to follow a similar programme, which showed more detail of the Master study. This way they can become acquainted with the programme here, and save general questions about tuition fee or their application for later during the Open Day.


Being part of the Master Open Day enables prospective students to talk to study advisors, students and professors face to face. Visitors can expect a positive atmosphere and a good dose of enthusiasm, but student life will not be set aside as something rosy. The workload is heavy and a lot is expected from the student. The honest opinion of students already studying in Wageningen will help them realize that.

The International Office asked some visitors what they expected beforehand, if they got a good impression of Wageningen University in general and if it was worth visiting the Open Day.


Johanes Kruempel

German – 24 years old

Johanes has just finished his Bachelor programme and is looking for more information about the MSc Animal Sciences. He chose Wageningen because of its good reputation and to start a new experience. “In Germany they say when having a degree from Wageningen, a job position is assured. I wanted to check out the University and so far I have got a positive impression. I like the green and nature surroundings and all people I have talked to are welcoming and friendly.”


Helen Gyasi

Ghanese – 30 years old

Helen has a passion for agriculture and believes Wageningen University is a good choice for her. “I want to learn and gain experience from the best university and that is why I believe it is essential for me to start my Master study here.” Helen came to the Open Day to experience Wageningen University for herself. “I was blown away by the hospitality, and the amount of detailed information that was provided. Wageningen University feels transparent enough for me. Someone asked about the workload of a Master programme. They were honest enough to talk about the workload and not let the student find out along the way.” Helen claims she got a good impression during the Open Day. “Everyone was willing to help me, in whatever way.”


Patricia Pineiro Prigue
Patricia Priegue

Spanish – 20 years old

Patricia is currently doing her Erasmus stay in Wageningen. She chose Wageningen because it offers an international experience. “Back in Spain I did not have the opportunity to talk to different nationalities from all over the world every day. I am interested in the MSc in Biology, and specially in following this Master in Wageningen because I have experienced the quality of education here myself.” Patricia is happy to have visited the Master Open Day, she explains she enjoyed everything that was organized. “I am amazed by the teaching methods, how close the students are with the teachers, the equipment of the laboratories, and the new buildings on the campus.”


Tiffany Wibisaphira

Indonesian – 22 years old

Tiffany wants to learn more about Food Technology, she already got her Bachelor degree but now she is ready to take the next step. “I want to keep learning and gain more depth understanding in Food Technology. I feel like Wageningen has an advanced Master programme. I have some friends who studied here and they now have good jobs.” Tiffany was already in the Netherlands for her Bachelor studies, and heard about the good reputation of Wageningen. She came to the Open Day to see for herself and liked what Wageningen had put forward that day. “I’m really positive about the advanced technology. I hope to personally develop by working together with the competent researchers here.” Tiffany’s expectations were met by coming to the Open Day. “I wanted more detailed information about the different specializations of the Master and that is what I got. Wageningen is a small city, but it is nice. The University looks great, I would really like to study here. I want to take this experience home and continue my work in my country.”


Kai Garcia Neefjes

Spanish / Dutch – 21 years old

When looking for an appropriate Master programme Kai’s fellow student told him about Wageningen University. The Master Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management was also recommended to him by a teacher. Kai started looking on Wageningen University’s website and read about Wageningen because he knew decisions like this take a lot of time. “A week before the Open Day I came up with some real questions, because I had the chance to visit the Open Day. I invested some money and came from the Canary Island for a couple of days.” Kai had been to The Netherlands before, but only for a couple of hours when he was by car. “Now I got to see that Wageningen is different of what I am used to. This visit has really improved my impression of the University and the Netherlands in general.” For the people who are not able to come to the Open Day, Kai has some advice: “Stay positive and motivated to find out about everything you would like to know. If you have some questions, always try to contact the University by phone, email or try to come anyway and schedule an appointment.”

What is a potential student looking for at an Open Day? Wageningen anticipates on these needs to make sure no one will leave without having all the answers to their questions. The main question potential students need to ask themselves is: Do I see myself studying here? Wageningen University aims to provide an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.


By Debby Los

International Students Advice

There are 9 comments.

  1. By: Daniel Lucien · 04-05-2016 at 12:24

    I’m engineer Agronomist
    I was study the Management Of Environnement and Naturals Resources.
    I want to have a Grant And master At wagening University.May you help me

    1. By: Debby Los · 11-05-2016 at 13:25

      When you would like to find a scholarship, you can take a look on the fowllowing website: http://www.grantfinder.nl

  2. By: Catherine Mutemi · 05-05-2016 at 15:14

    Very resourceful, I highly appreciate the exposure and intensive elaborations. Thanks

    1. By: Debby Los · 11-05-2016 at 13:23

      Thank you Catherine!

  3. By: Rodney Tagwirei Shumba · 06-05-2016 at 09:57

    Woow i expect to join this varsity in September … i hope i will bacause i like it and i love Geo infor science.

    1. By: Debby Los · 11-05-2016 at 13:23

      Hi Rodney,

      Thank you for your message. I hope you have already applied for a Master programme by now.

      Kind regards,

      Debby Los / Wageningen University

  4. By: Masamba Betty Rutendo · 02-07-2016 at 08:44

    I have been admitted at Wageningen university three times but failed to get sponsorship for a Master programme in Plant sciences.Are there any ways I can get university grants? I also wish to know whether the Plant breeding online course now has sponsorship?

    1. By: Debby Los · 04-07-2016 at 16:02

      Please take a look on the following website: http://www.grantfinder.nl

  5. By: Shelema Teferi Adugna · 04-08-2016 at 14:37

    hello there,the excellencies of Wageningen University,i’m from Ethiopia and already applied to MSC of Horticulture and Product physiology ,b/c i have bachelor of Horticulture,i hope i will get the chance if my god says and we will contact after September……thanks for your advice
    help me for further proceeding,i’m very motivated to learn there

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