16 November 2016 | Category: Education

Meet WUR, your future Master Programme is just one click away!

By Annika Kloos

MSc Management, Economics and Consumer Studies; profile Business Economics

Imagine you can get first-hand impressions on your prospective Master programme, the campus of Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and student life in Wageningen. And imagine you can meet study advisors and students from your future University without travelling the globe to be there physically. Guess what! All this is possible during the Master Online Open Day tomorrow, November 17 from 9.00 hrs. to 19.00 hrs. All information you need is only one click away.


When: Thursday, November 17 from 9.00 – 19.00 (CET)

Where: Online platform of the Master Online Open Day.

What: Master Online Open Day


   Get to know which Master programmes WUR offers and experience what it is like to study in Wageningen

Ask your questions to the study advisors

During the Master Online Open Day you will have the possibility to get first-hand information from WUR’s study advisors on application and admission, scholarships and WUR’s education system by chatting with them. So, you can ask personal questions regarding studying at Wageningen University.


Specific Information on Master programmes

Do you need more specific information on your dream Master programme at WUR? Then, you should virtually visit the main building on campus, Forum. There you can access recordings on various Master programmes from the liveshows of the last Online Open Day. Don’t miss the opportunity to get all the information you need. Maybe you are doubting between two programmes? These recordings will definitely help you to decide which programme to choose.


Get an overview of the Campus

Apart from these specific information you can also get a more general impression on what WUR’s campus is like. Participating in a virtual campus tour brings you to the main spots on campus. You can virtually visit student places and the main buildings on campus by watching short video clips. Your virtual campus tour starts on the online platform of the Master Online Open Day, showing a map of the Wageningen campus. If you want it even more concrete, don’t miss the launch of the 360° video at 12.00 o’clock or the live event in the newest building on campus and the newest student housing, Campus Plaza, at 16.00 o’clock.


Join the live tours

Live impressions are delivered by WUR’s vloggers and Daniel, the life reporter. Join the vloggers during laboratory sessions and tutorials or during lunchtime. Are you interested in development and rural innovation? Take the opportunity watching Daniel live, interviewing the study advisor of the Master programme MSc Development & Rural Innovation at 11.00 o’clock. If you are rather interested in the MSc programme Earth Environment, your turn is at 15.00 o’clock when Daniel interviews one of the lecturers of the programme. To finish the day like many WUR students do, Daniel visits together with you the Sports Centre on campus at 17.00 o’clock. Check the schedule when you can visit the library and the studio of the landscape architects at WUR.


I hope you will enjoy the Master Open Day and I will see you around next year, then. Have fun!

By Annika Kloos

MSc Management, Economics and Consumer Studies; profile Business Economics

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