26 September 2018 | Category: Education

International students start a bachelor’s programme

By Guest Blogger

Wageningen University & Research invites anyone related to the university to share their thoughts on different topics in this weblog. To give you as a prospective student several opinions and experience stories of Wageningen University & Research. Hopefully this will provide you an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.

New and exciting things are about the happen! A new era starts for Wageningen University & Research. This month, dozens of international students start a bachelor’s programme.

This was possible before as well, but only if you’d also learn Dutch. And then study in Dutch afterwards. This time it’s different. This time Wageningen is scaling up internationally! When Tourism was always the only programme offered in English, students can now also choose to study Animal Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Food Technology, International Land and Water Management, and Soil, Water, Atmosphere.

Bachelor’s in Life Sciences

Hundreds of students applied for a bachelor’s in life sciences. But when would a BSc in Wageningen be a good choice for you? First of all, Wageningen is not an average university, we work in a specialist domain. So have you always been interested in biology? Or do you have a fascination for the environment and everything related to that? Then Wageningen University & Research could be a serious option for you!

When you graduate from Wageningen University & Research, you won’t be having a problem finding job.

Animal Sciences
is rather different then Veterinary Sciences.
If you want to study Animal Sciences, you will be stimulated to study and explore the biological functioning of animals in our society – animals that we care for and keep for food, as pets, for the preservation of nature or for educational and recreational purposes. How can these animals adapt to their environment, and how can we create the best possible environment for them?

Environmental Sciences, International Land and Water Management, and Soil, Water, Atmosphere are programmes in the same environmental domain. There are important differences though.

  • In the Environmental Sciences programme you will learn to research environmental issues such as pollution, depletion of natural resources, and climate change from a natural sciences and social sciences perspective. You will also learn how you can identify and design sustainable solutions.
  • The International Land and Water Management degree programme primarily combines knowledge of climate, soil, water, and socioeconomic circumstances, a contribution will be made towards the integration of improved irrigation systems, reservoirs, terraces, and soil protection.
  • Soil, Water, and Atmosphere focuses on knowledge of the processes in the soil, water, and atmosphere. The environmental aspects primarily appear in landscape formation, flow processes, and the transport of dissolved substances and are studied using a science-based approach.

When you want to study Food Technology, you must have an interest in chemistry. During this study programme you’ll be focussing on ingredients of food and the effect of these ingredients and their combinations. Don’t confuse this programme with Food Nutrition, it’s different!

You’ll be working with top quality facilities and be taught by the best professors.

Our Tourism programme is rather different than other tourism and leisure programmes. This scientific programme deals with developments in tourism and the interrelationships between tourism, the economy, society and the environment. Sustainability is an important aspect.

We’re number 1!

Wageningen is one of the top-ranked universities in the world. According to influential university rankings, we rank world’s best in the field of Agriculture & Forestry and Environment & Ecology. That’s great, but how would that influence your stay at Wageningen?

In the life sciences domain, Wageningen is well-known and the diploma highly valued.

You’ll be working with top quality facilities and be taught by the best professors. When you graduate from Wageningen University & Research, you won’t be having a problem finding job. In the life sciences domain, Wageningen is well-known and the diploma highly valued. Still, you should really like the programme, that’s equally important!

Personal and international

Wageningen is a specialised university and therefore a smaller-scale university. We’re growing because more and more students know how to find us, but the personal atmosphere is still a very unique aspect of studying in Wageningen. Also, you won’t be feeling alone very quickly. Chances are that there are (many) other students from your country already studying in Wageningen. You don’t have to meet them if you don’t want to, but it could be nice to speak to someone from your own language once in a while!

Read more and compare programmes

Are you enthusiastic? Go for it! Have a look at our website and inform yourself thoroughly. Only then you can make the right decision.

Do you want to talk to someone from the university? You can! Book a meeting via [link].


By Guest Blogger

Wageningen University & Research invites anyone related to the university to share their thoughts on different topics in this weblog. To give you as a prospective student several opinions and experience stories of Wageningen University & Research. Hopefully this will provide you an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.

There is one comment.

  1. By: Mano · 06-11-2018 at 17:21

    I see it your mail please send a opportunity to join in university for my studies

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