29 April 2020 | Category: Student life

Stuck at home? Here’s what I do!

By Shriya

Hey!! I study MSc Food Technology at Wageningen University. I'm from India and I love trying out different things. My experience in Wageningen has been downright fantastic so far. Looking forward to telling you more about myself and the place. :D

I totally need a break now!! URGHHH. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Each and everyone of us has probably said this atleast a couple of times in the past year, with a hundred things coming at us, not to mention the others that we let pile on 😛 Ever heard of the saying : every cloud has a silver lining? The silver lining in this dire situation is that most of us suddenly have been gifted TIME.

What a weird gift right? Never thought we would ever have to spend energy to figure out what to do with free time. So whether you are coping with online courses, an internship abroad or just free time, this blog may give you something new to try out when you are bored to your wits.

I know what you are thinking! What could this blog probably tell me beyond the usual – go for a walk, get creative in the kitchen or watch Netflix ? While the suggestions could seem pretty mundane, bear with me and check it out. You may find something that sticks 😀


Give your hobbies a creative spin

  • That could be of course painting, cooking, baking and the likes of these. But have you every thought of jazzing these up?

Cooking with unlimited resources is different from what you could make with a restricted assortment of ingredients. Ask a friend or family member to give you a mystery box and be  your own Masterchef! Now while this challenges you, it also prevents you from emptying your pantry all at once (Definitely experienced this the past couple of weeks 🙁 )

– If you are one of the creative ones who can whip up something mind blowing on  a canvas, maybe challenge yourself and create your own masterpieces from things you normally would throw away.

– Love photography or videography? This is your chance to try your hand out at capturing your everyday     moments to save that forever.


These are really small things to change up and see what you enjoy! It could turn out great or could be an utter disaster. But hey, you have a story to tell and laugh about and that counts!! Ooh if you are stuck with a bunch of people, maybe mix up some board games and see what comes out of it.


Me time!

  • This truly is your golden to take time out for yourself. If you’re usually busy studying or working then here’s your chance to not worry about those deadlines and do what you have always wanted to do. Maybe that’s your spa appointment in the comfort of your room, reading that book you always wanted to or even starting a new hobby. By the way, it could also be your choice to do absolutely nothing and that still counts.


Learn something new! 

  • They say it takes 21 days for anything to become a habit and this is that golden opportunity. The world is huge and that said, think of all the languages there are! Choose one and give it a go. DuoLingo is a great app to check out or even an Audiobook. Ooh bonus! Harvard is offering a number of online courses that are free. Check out the following link HERE. LinkedIn also grants you free access to any of their courses for 24 hours during this difficult time.



  • If learning tires you out and all you want to do is relax and get yourself to finally check off many years’ “New year resolution” by beginning to workout, then here are some channels on YouTube for you :

– Yoga could be that great way to kickstart your goal or just a great start to your day. Check this channel out if you are curious! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFKE7WVJfvaHW5q283SxchA.

– Here are some more channels on YouTube I follow (its mainly training using body weight 🙂 ) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXxIurzUx2ztE6D5IzcyTcw,


– If you want to dance your heart out to bollywood music then these channels probably will give you some inspiration : –




Express yourself!

  • This could be through drawings, songs but what I like to do is to write 😀 Maintain a diary or even volunteer to write for blogs. This is a foolproof way of decluttering your mind. Go crazy on that piece of writing to get yourself some peace of mind.



  • Now this could be literally exploring what new avenues you like or even pushing your boundaries and making new friends. TEDx Wageningen university has come cool ideas that you can try. Here is where you can find them https://www.instagram.com/tedxwageningenuniversity/. Other student associations are also offering some great ‘do at home’ activities that could keep you going.


These are some ideas, I thought could help those of you looking for some daily inspiration. But this is hardly limited. This time there are no rules and you can break free, truly!!! Do you have other amazing ways of spending time nowadays? Comment below and tell me! On a final note, if you have the time and opportunity to read this during the pandemic, remember :

You are one lucky person! Stay safe guys!

P.S. Binging on Netfilx or Amazon prime also is just as relaxing but my guilty pleasure is looking at aesthetically made food on YouTube. I will leave a couple of links here for people like me 😛

By Shriya

Hey!! I study MSc Food Technology at Wageningen University. I'm from India and I love trying out different things. My experience in Wageningen has been downright fantastic so far. Looking forward to telling you more about myself and the place. :D

There is one comment.

  1. By: Emily Marlow · 04-05-2020 at 20:59

    Hey, that’s nicely written!
    I really have more free time, which I do not know how to spend usefully (but without overloading myself).
    Thank you for your advice, perhaps this is the time when I will finally learn how to cook.
    Well, and yes, I started the fitness program a week ago, and I really hope that I will finish it and not give up (golden rule 21 days, help me).

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