The environment, climate, and our health are often secondary to the way we produce, trade, and consume food globally. In preparation for the UN Food Summit in 2021, Wageningen scientists outline concrete pathways towards a sustainable and fair food system. They also call for an international food and agricultural agreement…
Together we can achieve a healthy and sustainable food system that respects people, animals and the earth. Researchers of Wageningen University & Research are cooperating with farmers and environmental organisations to provide a glimpse of what the Dutch food system could look like in 2050. In this system, farmers will…
Too much fertiliser impacts the environment. Fortunately, we can utilise the nutrients that are already available in the soil more efficiently, in keeping with circular agriculture. Wageningen scientists study the effect of earthworms on nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Earthworms eat both organic materials and soil particles and discharge…
Nature is more than just living plants and animals. Dispersing sand or overflowing rivers create habitats for species that thrive in these specific conditions. Wageningen scientists study opportunities for rewilding regions in the Netherlands and Europe. Wilder nature with swampy river banks led to breeding areas for different fish species…
One in every fifteen Dutch inhabitants has diabetes. This chronic condition is linked to our eating habits. That is why Wageningen scientists study how nutrition can contribute to preventing or treating diabetes. Cutting back on processed meats and increasing the intake of vegetables is proven to be effective. This fact…
Farmers aim to decrease the use of herbicides. But, there is insufficient labour available in both conventional and organic farming to remove weeds and harvest by hand. Wageningen researchers develop self-learning robots that pull weeds and harvest with increasing skill. Since humans and robots will likely increasingly work together in…
Fear of people can lead diurnal animals to become nocturnal. This hampers their search for food, which may impact threatened species. Wageningen ecologists collaborate with National Park de Hoge Veluwe to monitor animal activity using camera traps around the clock. Thus, they measure how wildlife such as red deer, roe…
In 2050, there will be ten billion mouths to feed. The food supply already faces major challenges in terms of environment, climate and health. Wageningen scientists from various disciplines, ranging from agriculture and nutrition experts to philosophers, study partial solutions. Their stories have been collated in a book compiled by…
Mass tourism threatens coral reefs in tropical seas. Waste and sewage from hotels and cruise ships are released into the sea. But, tourism is also a source of income, and can thus help in protecting nature. Wageningen biologists, economists and sociologists develop a method to determine the correct balance between…
Since the corona outbreak, many day labourers in developing countries have lost their employment and, as a result, income. At the same time, the food supply is faltering, and prices are on the rise. Wageningen researchers, governments and development organisations are seeking solutions, such as corona-proofing markets and food transportation….