16 August 2016 | Category: Student life

Annual Introduction Days: the best start of your student life in Wageningen

By Guest Blogger

Wageningen University & Research invites anyone related to the university to share their thoughts on different topics in this weblog. To give you as a prospective student several opinions and experience stories of Wageningen University & Research. Hopefully this will provide you an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.
By Rinske de Vries


AID student


Every year in the first 2 weeks of August a phenomenon takes place. You can see the signs of the Annual Introduction Days and the academic year are getting close. You can see cars with trailers filled with furniture. You will see a mattress, a bed, a desk and of course a bike moving around on the campus, because of the new Dutch students moving into their homes. The new international students are also easy to recognize with their big suitcases in line at the SSC desk in the Forum building of the university. It remembers me of my own start here. The first night I slept in my room and the next morning I nervously went to the registrations of the AID on the first day.


The new international students are also easy to recognize with their big suitcases in line at the SSC desk in the Forum building of the university.

I met my group and enjoyed more activities and parties in six days then I imagined beforehand. My AID was great and I had lots of fun. Wageningen is a small city but has a lot to offer in form of organisations and associations and a lot of nice places to go to. You will get to know a lot of them.


AID informarkt Wageningen


This is what you can expect of the AID:

Friday: This is it, this is the start of the AID. You will meet new people, see the campus and enjoy the awesome opening party in the evening with your group.

Saturday: Get to know the city. Brunch in a nice park in the city centre, explore Wageningen in the afternoon and at night. The streets of the city centre are filled with street artists to entertain you.

Sunday: Sports and chill afterwards. Get active during the sports day and meet the many student sports associations Wageningen has. After a good meal, chill at the park and watch the pictures during an open air movie.

Monday: Global Monday, meeting all the master students during the Wageningen Classroom and do a case study about studying abroad. Enjoy the barbeque with your group and cross your borders during the international evening with workshops from typical cultural things from all over the world.

Tuesday: Study and have fun, meet your fellow students during the study day and afterwards go to the beer cantus to sing songs or go to the Comedy Crawl to laugh.

Wednesday: Info market and the AID Festival. Meeting all kinds of organisations in the beautiful Arboretum and enjoy food and music at the big festival to close an amazing week.




Wageningen University wants to welcome everyone with open arms; bachelor, master or Erasmus student. In one week you will get to know Wageningen and meet new people that will be there during your time in Wageningen. And, who knows, maybe your AID family is a group of friends for the rest of your life!
Your AID is a time you will never forget. THIS IS IT, this is the start of your student life in Wageningen.


The AID of 2016 is from Friday 19th August to Wednesday  24th of August. You can find more information and register at  www.aidwageningen.nl.


Watch the video about the Annual Introduction Days or read about Pranav’s experiences in his blog.
Interested in becoming an AID mentor? Claudio Cropano gives you 4 reasons why you should in his blog.
Watch Nany’s vlog below if you want to see her AID experience.


By Guest Blogger

Wageningen University & Research invites anyone related to the university to share their thoughts on different topics in this weblog. To give you as a prospective student several opinions and experience stories of Wageningen University & Research. Hopefully this will provide you an honest and realistic picture of what it is like to study here.

There are 4 comments.

  1. By: YuanLing · 03-09-2016 at 15:49

    Amazing!I’m a undergraduate majoring in Veterinary medicine from China. I deeply expect I can be admitted into Wageningen
    University in 2 years latter!

  2. By: Rita Tutu · 15-03-2017 at 13:40

    Nice! Can’t wait to have my feel of Campus life at Wageningen. It will be such a lifetime memorable experience.

  3. By: Abdulai Rashidatu · 04-07-2017 at 09:26

    Beautiful! infact looking forward to experiencing these moments Inshallah .

  4. […] AID group for Emma’s comedy night in the centre. I am super happy to have participated in the Annual Introduction Days (AID), since I definitely made good friends for the two years, and hopefully for […]

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