From bachelor’s to master’s without unwanted surprises – an interview with Bram

As Open Days are coming up, probably many of you are about to search for bachelor’s or master’s programmes to apply for. Most likely, you’re now going through the thinking process of how to prepare for university studies and what to expect. Luckily, I now introduce you to this blog…

Switching or even doing two degrees simultaneously?

My interests evolved… It can happen, that during your studies you realise that you are actually quite interested in another degree programme at the university than the one that you are currently studying. This is usually more common during your first/beginning of your second year of your initial degree choice….

How do student exchanges at WUR work?

AID mentoring
30 June 2023 | Category: Application, Education, Student life

Before going to the university most people pursue their education in the country they were born in. However, often when growing up we want to know more, explore new places and meet people from other cultures. Therefore, a lot of university students go for exchanges to different countries. Today I…

How to find a scholarship

19 January 2022 | Category: Application

One of the most asked questions the International Students Advice team gets is how to find a scholarship. Unfortunately, there are far more students in need of a scholarship, than available scholarships. However, there are a few tips we can give you that might help find funding for your studies….

What is the acceptance rate at Wageningen University?

12 May 2021 | Category: Application

International students often ask what is the acceptance rate at Wageningen University. In the Netherlands this is not a common thing nor does it say anything about your chances to get accepted or the quality of education. You just have to meet the requirements to get accepted. How does this…

Master’s Open Day – WUR

3 May 2020 | Category: Application, Education

With the recent Covid-19 situation, Wageningen University didn’t fall short of missing out on providing the most for the incoming students.The Master’s Open Day was conducted online on the 30th of April 2020. A number of student representatives were present live on social media platforms to answer questions from the…

WUR Master Open Day goes Online! – 30th of April 2020

19 April 2020 | Category: Application, Education

This year the Master’s Open Day will be online. Due to COVID-19 outbreak WUR campus remains under lockdown. However, we are still planning to show the university, its opportunities & offers to prospective students. During the Online Master’s Open Day we will do our best to introduce you to WUR, its…

WUR prospective student from Italy

15 April 2020 | Category: Application, Master's Student, Student life

Luca is a prospective student from Italy. After his Bachelor’s degree, he’d like to come to Wageningen and start the master in Food Technology. We are aware that this tough situation has brought a lot of uncertainties and issues regarding application processes. However, we are sure that all the measures taken…

Brexit impact on current and prospective WUR students

wur finances bank
15 September 2019 | Category: Application

Impact of Brexit on current and prospective students The consequences of Brexit for prospective UK student or for WUR student will cause an impact. Therefore, the concerns and thought of our students are of high relevance. We asked the opinion, from a personal perspective, from a student enrolled at WUR…

Thoughts of a future student before applying

future students WUR
18 October 2017 | Category: Application, Student life

By Samin Rijal – Nepal Albert Einstein’s once said, “The only source of knowledge is experience”. I too believe that experience is the most gracious teacher and is the most indispensable catalyst for one’s growth and development. As a social work graduate and having worked in the development sector for…