Switching or even doing two degrees simultaneously?

My interests evolved… It can happen, that during your studies you realise that you are actually quite interested in another degree programme at the university than the one that you are currently studying. This is usually more common during your first/beginning of your second year of your initial degree choice….

How do student exchanges at WUR work?

AID mentoring
30 June 2023 | Category: Application, Education, Student life

Before going to the university most people pursue their education in the country they were born in. However, often when growing up we want to know more, explore new places and meet people from other cultures. Therefore, a lot of university students go for exchanges to different countries. Today I…

Things to do in Summer on a Student Budget

22 June 2023 | Category: Student life

With summer coming up, obviously we students would like to spend some time to rejuvenate from our past year of hard work. If like me, you are stuck here in the Netherlands due to tickets back home being waaay out of your budget, you may be wondering just how you…

Things you didn’t know about studying at WUR!

13 June 2023 | Category: Education, Student life

Choosing a university is at the same time exciting and a challenging decision. While thinking about Wageningen, you should consider what types of studies you are interested in, location, spoken language, culture etc. All these aspects are important but do not forget about exploring practical day life things. In this…

Benefits of Caring for your Mental Health

alone in the new country
7 June 2023 | Category: Student life

Stress is no stranger to most university students. With the high amounts of work on our shoulders on top of a college student’s messy personal and social life, many may find it difficult to take care of their mental health and, worse, cause burnout. After spending almost 3 years thousands…

Tips for Living with Housemates

19 May 2023 | Category: Student life

As a follow up to the blog on student accommodation by Lidewij, I will be sharing a bit of my experience today on some tips on how to live with housemates… harmoniously. Chances are, on a student budget, you’ll end up living in a corridor with 6, 10 or even…

Visit us on Instagram!

3 May 2023 | Category: Student life

Looking for more updates from our university? Well, did you know that Wageningen University has its own Instagram page? In this day and age, I’m guessing you have an account on Instagram. Truthfully, I basically live on Instagram myself (as in I spend about 20% of my waking hours on…

How does a master thesis in Wageningen look like?

5 April 2023 | Category: Student life

What does a master thesis in Wageningen look like? Doing a master’s may seem like an “only two years” commitment with some courses and your own project. But in practice, what does this process look like? Is writing a thesis simple, fast and enjoyable? Is it easy to find a…

Why You Should Visit an On-Campus Open Day

10 March 2023 | Category: Student life

Are you a prospective WUR student? If you are, I’m guessing you are curious about the campus, the student life, your day-to-day studies and everything in between. You’ve also probably checked out some versions of an online open day and although they are very informative and a great option if…

Making friends in a new city

1 March 2023 | Category: Student life

Our student Ditro tells us about his experiences making new friends in Wageningen. For him, the Annual Introduction Days (AID) were a fun way to learn about student associations and meet fellow students from different cultures.  His advice is to allow yourself to hear the stories people want to tell…

Applying for a PhD programme at Wageningen University

8 February 2023 | Category: Student life

Applying for a PhD programme at WUR can be a tad confusing. At least it was for me when I started reading about it. There are many ways of becoming part of this high-ranked university and research institution. But that only means there are many opportunities to be part of…

Doing the Joint Water Technology MSc: Daan Metz

18 January 2023 | Category: Education, Master's Student

Out of the many master’s Programs that Wageningen University offers, there is one that seems somewhat more daunting than the rest: the joint Water Technology degree. The degree is a joint effort of Wageningen University, the University of Twente and the University of Groningen and the program is carried out…

Working as a Student Assistant on the International Students Team

wur cycling
11 January 2023 | Category: Student life

To be completely honest, before joining the International Students Team, I was grasping to find bits of information about the position, as the job description was vastly different from the usual student assistant jobs that I’ve heard of. I tried reaching out to my friends regarding their experience working as…

What to do during your Christmas holiday break?

21 December 2022 | Category: Student life

As we move further into December, the holiday spirit is hard to ignore. Starting from Sinterklass and pepernoten to the sweet smell of warm glühwein (a.k.a. mulled wine). The merriness is just around the corner! As a student, especially at Wageningen University & Research, the days can get quite hectic….