How to register and unregister for courses at WUR

working life
3 August 2022 | Category: Student life

Our dream of studying at WUR to become academic professionals contributing with sustainable solutions to current and future complex problems is realised through our university’s top-notch courses. As we may have been doing in our previous education, we must also register for these courses of interest to learn what WUR…

How is WUR organised: chair groups and research institutes

15 June 2022 | Category: Student life

As a prospective student, you may be wondering,  ‘how is Wageningen University & Research organised?’ or ‘what will be my future ‘department’ at WUR?’. WUR is a bit different from other universities, hence it might be slightly confusing if you are not in WUR. In this blog, I will share…

Favourite places to study off Wageningen campus

8 June 2022 | Category: Student life

There are several nice places to study on campus, as covered in (Find your perfect study spot on campus). But sometimes what’s really needed to get in the zone is a change of scenery to the ‘outside’ world. Whether it’s to get that final draft finished or to chill with…

My experience: internship at WWF

25 May 2022 | Category: Master's Student, Student life

An internship is often a important part of your master’s programme. It gives you relevant work experiences and helps you prepare for the job market. Now the thought of finding an internship is maybe a daunting topic for you. At least for me it was. Because it represented the end…

Humans of WUR: Stefanus from Indonesia

4 May 2022 | Category: Master's Student, Student life

“In the future, I would like to become an entrepreneur in the food sector in my homeland. I’m preparing for this at WUR by learning the necessary technological knowledge in my studies and gathering the leadership skills that I need by being a member of the student council at WUR.”…

Tips to help you navigate the campus with video

13 April 2022 | Category: Student life

Our beautiful green campus is over 70.000m2 so we can imagine that sometimes it is tricky to navigate it, especially if this is your first year. Student Samuel tells us some very useful tips to find your classrooms and get to know the main education buildings Forum, Orion and Aurora….

Improving your Career Prospects

career WUR
6 April 2022 | Category: Student life

Being aware of the career support services there are in a university can be a great mediator for choosing your study. Such support systems can facilitate a smooth transition from graduation to your dream job. But do you know you can increase your career prospects while you are a student…

Work in The Netherlands alongside your studies

25 March 2022 | Category: Student life

Living in the Netherlands can be quite expensive. Therefore, it is good to think about studies and work since it can help with your expenses. Do you live abroad and plan to move to The Netherlands? If you are going to work in The Netherlands, you are required to have…

Stress and studying

It doesn’t matter if you’re drowning in 3ft of water or drowning in 10ft of water, you’re still drowning. Stress and studying, unfortunately, for most students seem to be two words that go hand in hand.  But we all have very different experiences and ways to try and cope with…

Study delay: experiences of our students

2 March 2022 | Category: Education, Student life

As a current or prospective student, receiving your hard-earned diploma within the stipulated study time could be a strong wish. Nonetheless, things sometimes do not go according to plan, resulting in study delays. While study delays can be daunting, the experiences of four WUR students re-echo that ‘there is light…

How to survive your Master Thesis

5 January 2022 | Category: Master's Student, Student life

Updated on: 10 January 2023 After finishing coursework in the first study year, the next step to fulfil the requirements of a master’s degree at Wageningen University is to conduct an individual thesis project. For many students, doing research sounds fascinating yet frustrating, especially if it is their first master’s…