New on campus: Aurora

30 September 2021 | Category: Education, Student life

There’s a new kid in town. The newest education building Aurora is finished. The building is already being used by our new students since the beginning of this month but will celebrate its official opening on 30 September. Unique about Aurora is the daylight in all areas of use and…

Top 5 places to explore around Wageningen

Pictures from cycling around Wageningen
22 September 2021 | Category: Student life

Exploring Wageningen and it’s surroundings is a nice way to get settled into a new environment. Wageningen itself has a nice market, cafes and beautiful surroundings. So it’s not hard to survive life in the city. But if you are willing to go a bit further out by foot, bike,…

BSc Student Greta shares her experiences

13 September 2021 | Category: Bachelor's student, Student life

Since Greta studies at WUR she loves ‘hagelslag’. Want to know which Dutch traditions she also enjoys? Watch her video below or read her story. Thank you for sharing your experiences Greta! First of all, could you introduce yourself? “I am Greta from Lithuania. Now I am 23 years old….

Summer in Wageningen

14 July 2021 | Category: Student life

Summertime is a happy time Coming to the Netherlands made me realise that people here treat a sunny day as if it is their last. People try to take advantage of every chance to enjoy the sun while it lasts. In this post, I’m going to walk you through how…

How will the academic year 2021/2022 look like at Wageningen University?


The academic year is almost coming to an end. Another year living, working and studying during a worldwide pandemic. It has been a challenging year for everyone, but luckily a lot of students were able to continue their studies online. We can imagine you are wondering how the academic year…

MSc Student Kateryna about housing & groupwork

10 June 2021 | Category: Master's Student, Student life

How do our international students experience studying in Wageningen? Kateryna shares her experience with Dutch people, Wageningen city and the level of education. Could you describe briefly introduce yourself? “My name is Kateryna and I’m 23 years old. I was born in Ukraine (Lviv), but at age nine I moved…

Housing options in Wageningen: Droevendaal

17 May 2021 | Category: Housing, Student life

Most international students that study at WUR live in and around Wageningen. There are several housing options, like large student flats, smaller apartments or private rooms. One of the shared housing facilities is Droevendaal.   Droevendaal complex is a unique housing option in Wageningen. This is because you get to…

Meet our chat team

14 April 2021 | Category: Bachelor's student, Master's Student, Student life

Since our students are our best ambassadors you can now chat with them through our website. If you have questions about studying in Wageningen or a specific programme you can ask our chat team. They are happy to help you. Meet a few of our buddies here or contact them…

Studying in Wageningen in times of Covid-19

7 April 2021 | Category: Education, Student life

Hello everybody! My name is Alejandra and I am an International Student from Bogotá, Colombia. Right now, I am doing my Master’s in Nutrition and Health. I started my Master’s in August 2020 and although I was able to take my two first periods on campus, at the moment I…