Six Nationalities, Eight Weeks, Challenging Project – One Family !

20 May 2018 | Category: Education

Background Six nationalities with six different professional and educational background– working together on a challenging yet satisfying project – throughout eight intense weeks. That was pretty much how we, Ainhoa Solano Hernandez, Irma Savitri Sani, Jana Chrenkova, Jorge Gonzalez, Lingxuan Li and Zakaria Alam, would describe our experience working together…

Bevrijdingsdag 2018

15 May 2018 | Category: Student life

As each year, The Netherlands celebrated the Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag in Dutch). This celebration takes place each year the 5th of May. This day commemorates the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during the World War II. What happened the 5th of May (Bevrijdingsdag ) On the 5th of…

Wageningen Student Challenge – building a greenhouse!

13 May 2018 | Category: Education

If you enter the Atlas building at around 17:30 on a Tuesday and head down to the ground floor you will find 14 people crammed into a room surrounded by food and drinks. The people in the room are from numerous different countries, and study everything from plant sciences to…

Kingsday 2018

8 May 2018 | Category: Student life

Koningsdag or Kingsday is a national holiday celebrated in The Netherlands. This holiday is celebrated the 27th of April. This celebration represents the birth of the Willem-Alexander This holiday its known for its freemarket (vrijmarkt  in dutch) where the Dutch sell their second hand items. However, Kingsday is more known for its light…

One World Week: around the world in 7 days!

13 April 2018 | Category: Student life

Suddenly, there are activities all over campus, the food is different, people are passing by but wearing different clothes… but you still wondering what’s all the fuss about? It’s all due to the biggest cultural event in town, the OWW! During a whole week, you can have a closer view…

5 Tips for Coping with Homesickness

Homesickness (noun): a feeling of longing for one’s home during a period of absence from it ( It may not be a challenge you face immediately once you arrive in the Netherlands because you will most likely hit the ground running with finding housing, furniture, registration and completing your orientation week….

Thesis Life: Let’s Get Started!

27 March 2018 | Category: Education, Student life

Hi everyone! My name is Yurike, from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesian archipelago. I am a second year student of Master Nutrition and Health (MNH), specializing in Nutritional Physiology and Health Status. Thankfully, I already did my thesis (for a sweet eight-month period), started in May 2017 and finished…

Why I’m a WURporter and you should be too!

23 March 2018 | Category: Student life

Did you know that Wageningen University has a very active YouTube channel? Well, now you do! In January, WUR launched a brand new YouTube channel called WURtube and I am one of the WURporters. Keep reading to find out what WURtube is and how you can get involved.   What…

4 Ways I Have Changed Since Coming to Wageningen

14 March 2018 | Category: Student life

Change is constant and studying exposes students to personal growth everyday. Change also comes with meeting new people, adapting to a different environment and encountering new cultures. Here I will share with you some of the ways I have noticed change in myself since coming to study in the Netherlands!…

100 years later

11 March 2018 | Category: Student life

Were you too busy to figure out what happened in Wageningen during the 100 years? Did you miss the birthday of our university and are you wondering how did we celebrate it? Thursday 8th of March This Thursday I had the chance to assist to the “CRISPR-Cas from evolution to…

100 years WUR

5 March 2018 | Category: Student life

Do you want to miss the most well-known birthday of the year? I hope and guess no, therefore you should already note the date and check the event (100 years). Next March 9th 2018, Wageningen will celebrate the 100th Dies Natalis. This event will be the beginning of Wageningen’s birthday…

I’ve been diagnose of BHS (Broken Heart Syndrome)

23 February 2018 | Category: Student life

“Believe me, when he left I felt a profound chest pain whose explanation I was not able to explain” Actually this chest pain can come together with ST segment abnormalities and transient left ventricular apical ballooning without coronary artery obstructive disease. This syndrome is called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) and luckily…


16 February 2018 | Category: Student life

If you like singing, drinking and dancing while wearing a colorful outfit, you should have gone to celebrate carnival in the south of The Netherlands. As a second time in my life, I’ve travelled to the south of our amazing country to enjoy this party. During my Erasmus year, I…

Did you actually say Amsterdam? – A little anecdote

13 February 2018 | Category: Student life

The distance between Cologne, my hometown and Berlin is approximately 573 km. That’s about 6 hours in the care, nerve wrecking 4 to 14 hours in a train of the Deutsche Bahn or if you’re lucky (and an affluent student), one hour in a plane. Imagine someone in cologne saying…

Everyone plays a role in the circular economy

7 February 2018 | Category: Education, Student life

The other day, when I was walking on campus, I bumped into the Alternative Thesis Fair. “Are you looking for a thesis subject? We can help you!”. I thought: apparently not I’m the only one in doubt of what to do for my master’s thesis. Or beyond, what to do…