Student story – Albert

23 December 2019 | Category: Student life

This weeks student experience* tells the story of Albert. Who you might already know from the student tour at Good to talk to you, Albert! First of all, could you give a short introduction of yourself? “Hi! I am Albert Gomez, I am 23 years old and I come…

Leaving Wageningen after Graduation: Interview with Adiska (WUR Alumni 2018)

As international students, moving home after graduating from Wageningen University is not always easy. In this post, we will discuss leaving Wageningen after graduation and  ‘reverse culture shock’: an emotional feeling suffered by some people after several years living abroad. Have you started wondering how it feels when you start…

My first exams at WUR

15 December 2019 | Category: Student life

Day one, first period and my only worry was the final exam. Luckily, one of my subjects was only about projects, but the other one its final grade was based on a final exam (50%). Every day at classes the only thing I could think about was how bad/well I will…

Life of a Master’s Student in the Second year!!
11 December 2019 | Category: Education

Have you spent a year already in Wageningen? Is it time to move on to the last leg of your Master’s degree? Then this piece is for you!! The jump from the first to the second year is huge. Quite frankly, this is where you learn to gather your first…

Winter season is upon us! Christmas Markets & winter activities to warm our hearts

8 December 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

December month is cold and dark, but it’s Christmas time! House decorations, lights, ice rinks, incandescent bulbs, Christmas trees everywhere… Every detail makes you feel both festive and spirited. Some families get carried away though and transform their home into a winter wonderland, but it’s still nice! You can really feel the…

Lumen building of Environmental Sciences chair groups

4 December 2019 | Category: Education

Lumen building design Lumen building Lumen building is an extraordinary and famous building at WUR because of its design. The building is located in Droevendaalsesteeg 3a Building 100 with opening hours from Monday – Friday at 07.00 – 22.00. Lumen means light. Stefan Behnisch, a Germany architect, built this building…

Living with an international PhD

23 November 2019 | Category: Housing

The process of finding  a room in the NL As we all know finding a place to live in Wageningen (and in the Netherlands in general) is really hard. I was subscribed to all the possible pages to find a room. I received a lot of  “Sorry Arianna, only dutch…

International students from the Excellence Programme 2019

20 November 2019 | Category: Education

Dohun Kim is a student from South Korea. Currently, he is studying the Master’s Programme in Forest and Nature conservation (MFN) and honoured with the Excellence Programme of the Wageningen University Fellowship Programme (WUFP). Excellence Programme is a scholarship awarding  a few selected non-EU/EEA students.. Providing supports for tuition fees…

Winter Prep Tips

13 November 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

Some people maybe feels the hardship when moving to a new place. Especially when you are far away from home and live in a very different environment. I am from Indonesia, it is a tropical country. I can say that we only have hot, and hot and wet weather. Studying…

Indian festivals & celebrations away from home

10 November 2019 | Category: Student life

Festivals are an integral part of Indian culture and luckily we celebrate them throughout the year. Every festival has a unique significance. Most Indians celebrate festivals with families and a big menu. To name a few: Makara Sankaranti marks the first day of the sun’s transit into the Makara (Capricorn)…

European Workshop: A challenging and one of a kind course at WUR you should take!

6 November 2019 | Category: Education

European Workshop Environmental Sciences and Management is a consultancy project course that allows students from four masters programmes to join. They are Environmental Sciences (MES), Urban Environmental Management (MUE), Tourism, Society and Environment (MTO), and Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management (MAM). The two months duration equals 12 credits. So, following…

First impressions of a Venezuelan girl at WUR

3 November 2019 | Category: Student life

In December of 2018, I finished my Bachelor’s on Geophysical Engineering in Venezuela. After graduating, I decided to come to WUR to study a Master’s degree in Earth and Environment, specifically Hydrology. Why here? If you are interested in water, the Netherlands is the best place to go for you….

‘Bright’ Brightspace!

30 October 2019 | Category: Education

When I started my master programme at Wageningen University, the first thing I was amazed by is the e-learning platform, Blackboard. During my bachelor, my university did not use an e-learning platform or learning management system (LMS). I remembered before the new semester started, we were too busy to ask…

What living in Haarweg is actually like!

23 October 2019 | Category: Housing

As  a student, moving to a new place to call home is a mammoth of a task. This initially seems impossible to do which is exactly how I felt when I first got a room in Haarweg. It is a popular housing option in Wageningen where loads of students stay….

Student Psycologist Interview “keep the balance between work and social life” by Madhu

20 October 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

An interview with Ineke Leenders was done before the summer break. Ineke is a student psychologist working at the Student Medical Center in the Nexus building right across ‘Het Restaurant van de Toekomst’ (Impulse). Visiting the student psychologists is free of charge and all contact between students and student psychologists…

My ASP scholarship journey (Africa Scholarship Program)

6 October 2019 | Category: Student life

Emmanuel Nyame, selected from 1500 applicants for the Africa Scholarship Program, shares with us his experience towards Wageningen University and Research. This program allowed him to start the Food Safety Master and the big opportunity to stay in a foreign country. Be inspired by the story below.     MY…

Student accommodation in Wageningen is scarce: Follow this steps to deal with it

An escalating number of international students at Wageningen University and Research is not followed by the increase in student accommodation offers. It creates a problem where many students cannot get their housings right before the academic year starts. It  causes stress among newly international students as they need to find…