Indoor Gardening 101

7 December 2020 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

“Gardening adds years to your life and adds life to your years.” As someone who just started doing gardening and has difficulty in distinguishing the plants’ names at first (who’s with me?), I recently realized that gardening does add ‘life’ to your daily-life. Particularly at this moment, bringing something green…

Celebrating Pride month

You can’t spell Solidarity and Pride without the I. In the same way, solidarity cannot be fulfilled with just an I. To commemorate the Pride month that is celebrated during the month of June every year, I decided to document my thoughts on celebrating this community.    Pride Parades are…

Dutch Meetings & breaks ??

Once you have successfully moved and found a job in the Netherlands, the next step is to meet Dutch business culture. It is known that Dutch employees work independently, but they are very fond of meetings. Usually, meetings are informal, although the schedule is strictly respected. Impunctuality is seen as impolite….

Go get your internship!

15 January 2020 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

While some universities do not oblige their students to do an internship, the opposite is true for Wageningen University.  In this university, an internship program is highly required by MSc students in order to complete their master study. This program intends to support personal development while at the same time…

Leaving Wageningen after Graduation: Interview with Adiska (WUR Alumni 2018)

As international students, moving home after graduating from Wageningen University is not always easy. In this post, we will discuss leaving Wageningen after graduation and  ‘reverse culture shock’: an emotional feeling suffered by some people after several years living abroad. Have you started wondering how it feels when you start…

Winter season is upon us! Christmas Markets & winter activities to warm our hearts

8 December 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

December month is cold and dark, but it’s Christmas time! House decorations, lights, ice rinks, incandescent bulbs, Christmas trees everywhere… Every detail makes you feel both festive and spirited. Some families get carried away though and transform their home into a winter wonderland, but it’s still nice! You can really feel the…

Winter Prep Tips

13 November 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

Some people maybe feels the hardship when moving to a new place. Especially when you are far away from home and live in a very different environment. I am from Indonesia, it is a tropical country. I can say that we only have hot, and hot and wet weather. Studying…

Student Psycologist Interview “keep the balance between work and social life” by Madhu

20 October 2019 | Category: Tips and advice for studying in Wageningen

An interview with Ineke Leenders was done before the summer break. Ineke is a student psychologist working at the Student Medical Center in the Nexus building right across ‘Het Restaurant van de Toekomst’ (Impulse). Visiting the student psychologists is free of charge and all contact between students and student psychologists…

Student accommodation in Wageningen is scarce: Follow this steps to deal with it

An escalating number of international students at Wageningen University and Research is not followed by the increase in student accommodation offers. It creates a problem where many students cannot get their housings right before the academic year starts. It  causes stress among newly international students as they need to find…