Download the WUR W’App

12 September 2018 | Category: Student life

Arriving to Wageningen is by far the hardest task I had to accomplish in my entire Erasmus. For many students, getting used to all the new systems and people is extremelly hard. There is a lot of new information which become hard to process while dealing with you new courses….

My Summer School Experience at Wageningen University and Research

6 August 2018 | Category: Education

By Jenny Olatunji  Editing by Chhavi Kaushik   It was a cold, dark and dreary evening in late November when I was mindlessly scrolling through Google and came across an infographic for the ‘Global Food Summer School’ at Wageningen University & Research. Summer school is essentially a series of lectures…

Summer thesis captivity camp

26 July 2018 | Category: Student life

While everyone was looking forward to the end of the semester and the beginning of the seven-week summer holidays, I was awaiting it with horror. For me, the end of the semester did not mean summer holidays, but just keeping on working on my thesis – just with less people…

(Ex)change Your Life – Story of Our Dutcheese Family

18 July 2018 | Category: Student life

We are two exchange students – Julia from Germany and Liina from Estonia. And we  want to inspire and encourage you to step out of your  comfort zone by telling you our story. “The ship is safe in the harbour but that’s not what ships are built for.” (John A….

Gymnastic popcorns

4 July 2018 | Category: Education

Have you ever stand in front of the microwave waiting for your popcorns to explode? Have you ever recorded a slow motion video of a kernel popping? Science is always around us and again is not magic what makes popcorn to pop but it is this time pressure who rules…

8 Habits I Picked Up Living in The Netherlands

24 June 2018 | Category: Student life

I am always curious how someone’s experience in a different country and culture has an impact on their behaviour. What type of local habits do they pick up and what useful thing do they learn from observing those around them? Here are some habits I learned from observing Dutchies and…

A Day in the Life;Thesis at a company

11 June 2018 | Category: Student life

If you are interested in Molecular Life Science master, you are probably also curious about how would be doing your thesis at a company. Is research done in the same manner? Are time schedules the same? Do I use my free time in the same way as I did while…

A week in the life of a WUR student

3 June 2018 | Category: Student life

Following in the footsteps of some other bloggers I have decided to take you inside what a typical week looks like studying here at WUR. I am currently doing my thesis so my schedule may look a little different from others, but that is what makes every study unique! I…

How does your book smell?

30 May 2018 | Category: Education

Did you know that your book could also be characterize by its aroma? Books are nor human being but they change their aroma as they get older. A combination of volatile compounds gives to your books their characteristic smell. But were you aware of the fact that this aroma changes…

Six Nationalities, Eight Weeks, Challenging Project – One Family !

20 May 2018 | Category: Education

Background Six nationalities with six different professional and educational background– working together on a challenging yet satisfying project – throughout eight intense weeks. That was pretty much how we, Ainhoa Solano Hernandez, Irma Savitri Sani, Jana Chrenkova, Jorge Gonzalez, Lingxuan Li and Zakaria Alam, would describe our experience working together…

Bevrijdingsdag 2018

15 May 2018 | Category: Student life

As each year, The Netherlands celebrated the Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag in Dutch). This celebration takes place each year the 5th of May. This day commemorates the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during the World War II. What happened the 5th of May (Bevrijdingsdag ) On the 5th of…

Wageningen Student Challenge – building a greenhouse!

13 May 2018 | Category: Education

If you enter the Atlas building at around 17:30 on a Tuesday and head down to the ground floor you will find 14 people crammed into a room surrounded by food and drinks. The people in the room are from numerous different countries, and study everything from plant sciences to…